

Primary LanguageJava

Spring boot tips


Spring Boot Tips, Tricks and Techniques. The goal of this repository is to place some examples of how to use and resolve some use cases under the spring boot technologies.


  1. Spring MVC
  2. Spring Web Flux
  3. AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
    1. What is AOP
    2. What is advice, join-point or pointcut?
    3. Types of AOP Advices
  4. Bean validations
    1. validation handler with mvc
    2. validation with web flux
    3. exception advices starter example
  5. Qualifiers
  6. kafka
    1. Multiple kafka brokers in mvc project
    2. Multiple kafka brokers in web flux project
    3. Traditional Messaging system vs kafka Stream platform
    4. Kafka topics and partitions
    5. Kafka docker-compose.yml configurations
    6. Sending message with key
    7. Kafka consumer group id
    8. kafka Retention policy
    9. Introduction to Spring KafkaTemplate to Produce Messages
    10. How to create topic programmatically
    11. Send message to default topic
    12. Send message to default topic with headers
    13. Configure Integration tests in an IT dedicated
    14. kafka integration tests with Embedded Kafka
    15. Kafka Producer Important Configurations
    16. Configure Kafka Consumer using SpringBoot Profiles - application.yml
    17. How to commit offsets manually
    18. How to create Kafka Concurrent Consumers Message Listeners
    19. Using only one consumer thread
    20. Integration with spring data (jpa)
    21. Configure Embedded Kafka for Integration Tests
    22. Integration test for kafka consumer Exception throws
    23. Custom Error Handler and Custom Retry in Kafka Consumer
    24. Add a RetryListener to monitor each Retry attempt
    25. kafka consumer, Retry SpecificExceptions using Custom RetryPolicy
    26. kafka consumer, Retry failed Records with ExponentialBackOff
    27. Kafka consumers recovery types
    28. Recovery : Publish the message to the Retry Topic
    29. Recovery: Refactor the EventsConsumer Integration test
  7. Jackson
    1. Serialization demos
    2. jackson tests with @JsonTest annotation
  8. Spring security
  9. Processing csv file with open csv
    1. Mongo db migration with mongock in web flux project
  10. Spring reactive with acid database (R2DBC)