Spring Boot Tips, Tricks and Techniques. The goal of this repository is to place some examples of how to use and resolve some use cases under the spring boot technologies.
- Spring MVC
- Spring Web Flux
- AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
- What is AOP
- What is advice, join-point or pointcut?
- Types of AOP Advices
- Bean validations
- validation handler with mvc
- validation with web flux
- exception advices starter example
- Qualifiers
- kafka
- Multiple kafka brokers in mvc project
- Multiple kafka brokers in web flux project
- Traditional Messaging system vs kafka Stream platform
- Kafka topics and partitions
- Kafka docker-compose.yml configurations
- Sending message with key
- Kafka consumer group id
- kafka Retention policy
- Introduction to Spring KafkaTemplate to Produce Messages
- How to create topic programmatically
- Send message to default topic
- Send message to default topic with headers
- Configure Integration tests in an IT dedicated
- kafka integration tests with Embedded Kafka
- Kafka Producer Important Configurations
- Configure Kafka Consumer using SpringBoot Profiles - application.yml
- How to commit offsets manually
- How to create Kafka Concurrent Consumers Message Listeners
- Using only one consumer thread
- Integration with spring data (jpa)
- Configure Embedded Kafka for Integration Tests
- Integration test for kafka consumer Exception throws
- Custom Error Handler and Custom Retry in Kafka Consumer
- Add a RetryListener to monitor each Retry attempt
- kafka consumer, Retry SpecificExceptions using Custom RetryPolicy
- kafka consumer, Retry failed Records with ExponentialBackOff
- Kafka consumers recovery types
- Recovery : Publish the message to the Retry Topic
- Recovery: Refactor the EventsConsumer Integration test
- Jackson
- Serialization demos
- jackson tests with @JsonTest annotation
- Spring security
- Processing csv file with open csv
- Mongo db migration with mongock in web flux project
- Spring reactive with acid database (R2DBC)