
Jamoma repository for documentation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


* JamomaDoc repository

This is the repository for everything documentation-related. Here are hosted various pieces of reference files, tutorials, etc.

* Preferred format

We chose to write documentation as Textile format as much as possible since it proves to be light, easy to maintain and can be exported in various format. 

For people not familiar with Textile, there are some templates to get you started.

* Regarding the use of branches

The 'master' branch is where all documents ready to be published are to reside. Note that in the (hopefully not too distant) future, all materials in the master branch will be automatically converted from textile to html when building the Jamoma installer. 

Thus, when starting to work on a tutorial or documentation bit, it is advised to work on the "unpublished" branch or create a specific branch if needed. Once you are done with writing the documentation part, merge the branch into 'master' or use Git 'cherry-pick' command.