
Primary LanguageNix

  1. Boot into plasma live install env

  2. Make partitions (for legacy boot)

    1. Open Gparted
    2. Make msdos partition table
    3. Make main partition:
      • (IMPORTANT) label: "nixos"
      • ext4
      • Size: Full disk minus amount of swap space
    4. Make swap partition
      • (IMPORTANT) label: "swap"
      • linux-swap
      • Size: 4GB
  3. Open terminal (konsole in plasma) and get root (with sudo su)

  4. Mount main partition (swap not used for install)

    mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
  5. Get dotfiles

    # Open up a temporary environment with git installed
    nix-env -iA nixos.git
    # Clone dotfiles
    git clone https://github.com/jlndk/dotfiles.git /mnt/dotfiles
    # Change to mounted directory
    cd /mnt/dotfiles
    # Install nixos with the downloaded config
    nixos-install --root /mnt --flake .#jlndk
  6. Reboot (and remove live install env)