
Polymer/core-icon compatible iconset based on Font Awesome SVG font

Primary LanguageHTML

Font Awesome as a PolymerElements/iron-iconset-svg component.

Set Up

bower install fontawesome-iconset


Link your custom component alongside with other Polymer dependencies

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/fontawesome-iconset/fa-all.html">

Use the iconset

<iron-icon icon="fa:line-chart"></iron-icon>

You also can refer to an specific category of icons:

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/fontawesome-iconset/fa-gender.html">

And use it like this:

<iron-icon icon="fa-gender:venus"></iron-icon>


To update to the latest version of FontAwesome, just install node modules and run "update"

npm install
node update

Soon there will be a production script to export only the icons to be used (like the original font-awesome-polymer-icons-generator but in node).