
MCAnime to Myanimelist Exporter

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MCAnime to Myanimelist Exporter. It create a myanimelist xml export file that you can import from the web interface.

It needs user input to resolve differences between names in mcanime and myanimelist. Sometimes the OVAs or Specials are splitted in myanimelist so you will have to add them manually later.

I have a lot of anime in my lists so it was too tedious to do it in one stand. So i made it so you can do it little by little and when you stop the work is saved and you can continue later.

For help run "./mcanime2mal.py --help":

usage: mcanime2mal.py [-h] -n PROFILE_NUMBER -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD [-c] [-r]
                      [-f FILENAME] [-o FILENAME] [-a TYPE|TITLE]
 Get mcanime anime list from a specified profile. The mcanime anime list is
 public so mcanime username and password are not required, only the profile
 number. To use myanimelist API to search your user and password are required.
 optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        get anime list from mcanime profile PROFILE_NUMBER
                        myanimelist username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        myanimelist password
  -c, --cache           restart from cache
  -r, --redopassed      reescan skipped animes
  -f FILENAME, --cachefile FILENAME
                        cache file name. Default to mcanimelist.json on
                        current directory
  -o FILENAME, --outputfile FILENAME
                        myanimelist export xml output name. default to
                        myanimelist.xml on current directory
  -a TYPE|TITLE, --animekey TYPE|TITLE
                        Change a particular anime from cache.


  • python >= 2.7 < 3
  • BeatifulSoup4