
A Kizomba Notation used to be able to write down basic figures of the Kizomba dance.

title aliases

Kizomba Notation

The Kizomba Notation is based on 4 main information sources:


All displayed information assumes the orientation to the north. Thus the leader would face by default toward the north.

This means that the displayed signs are not necessary using the Leader's/ Follower's own perspective.

Long Notation

In the long or table notation these information are displayed in this order:

  1. Count (C)
  2. Follower movement (F)
  3. Orientation (O)
  4. Leader movement (L)

Using the [[Saida Woman]] as an example this would result such an output:

C 1 2 3 & 4 5 6
F ▿▾
L ▿▾

Short Notation

For a non-table display the short notation can be used. The short notation is defined in this order:

  1. Count
  2. Leader movement
  3. Orientation
  4. Follower movement

Thus the above mentioned [[Saida Woman]] would be written like this:



The count represents the dance's timing information. Full counts are represented using the corresponding number, while half counts are either ommited when there is no information needed or displayed using the & sign.



Steps with weight change

  • Apart from minor changes, the frames stays; facing the same direction as previously
  • After the step is completed, the weight is on the just moved foot.
Sign Unicode Description
U+2191 north step
U+2190 west step
U+2192 east step
U+2193 south step
U+2196 north-west step
U+2197 north-east step
U+2199 south-west step
U+2198 south-east step

Steps without weight change

  • the bar/ hook at the start of each arrow should symbolize that the weight stays in place
Sign Unicode Description
U+21A5 non-weighted north step
U+21A4 non-weighted west step
U+21A6 non-weighted east step
U+21A7 non-weighted south step
U+2923 non-weighted north-west step
U+2924 non-weighted north-east step
U+2926 non-weighted south-west step
U+2925 non-weighted south-east step

Long Steps with weight change

Sign Unicode Description
U+219F long north step
U+219E long west step
U+21A0 long east step
U+21A1 long south step

Weight change, Lifting, Shifting

  • The filled triangles always represent the weighted version of the non-filled triangles
Sign Unicode Description
U+25C8 Weight change in place
U+25BF Tap or closing motion without a weight change
U+25BE Closing motion with weight change
U+25B5 Lifting
U+25B4 Lifting signal (foot stays on the ground)
U+25C3 Shift to the left
U+25C2 Shift to the left with weight change
U+25B9 Shift to the right
U+25B8 Shift to the right with weight change

Turns, Pivots

Sign Unicode Description
U+25F7 90° right turn
U+25F4 90° left turn
U+25D1 180° right turn
U+25D0 180° left turn
U+25F6 270° right turn
U+25F5 270° left turn
U+2941 360° right turn
U+2940 360° left turn

Tabs, Touches

  • The Tap move consists of a step without a weight shift and the movement back to the start position
Sign Unicode Description
U+2912 north tap
U+21E4 west tap
U+21E5 east tap
U+2913 south tap



Sign Unicode Description
U+25C7 Signal
U+25C6 Block

Body Part Additions

Sign Unicode Body Part
U+2090 Arm
U+2095 Hand
U+2096 Knee
U+2097 Leg
U+209A Pelvis/ Hip
U+209B Shoulder
U+209C Thigh
U+2091 Elbow
U+1D66 Base/ Foot


Sign Unicode Description
U+2093 cross behind
U+1AB2 hip rotation


Sign Unicode Description
⥿ U+297F


Writing Order

  1. Leader's Weight Distribution (optional, only used in [[Positions]])
  2. Leader's Frame + Foot
  3. Follower's Positioning
  4. Follower's Frame + Foot
  5. Follower's Weight Distribution (optional, only used in [[Positions]])

Weight Distribution

  • shown from the leader's perspective
  • the weight distribution is only used in the beginning of a notation or while notating [[Positions]]
Sign Combi Description
▾▿ Weight is on the left foot
▿▾ Weight is on the right foot
▾▾ Weight is equaly distributed

Follower's Positioning

  • describes the position of the follower in relation to the leader
  • default orientation is toward the center like this means: ⬒=╿⬒╽, ◧=╾◧╼, ◨=╼◨╾, etc.
Sign Unicode Description
U+2B12 in front
U+25E7 to the right
U+25E8 to the left
U+2B13 behind
U+25E9 to the front left
U+2B14 to the front right
U+2B15 behind left
U+25EA behind right

Frame + Foot

  • in most use cases the following signs function as addition to other steps (eg. ↓┍, to move backward, foot facing backwards, frame to the previous right.)
  • For non straight line signs (eg. ┚), the bold part represents the frame, while the small part represents the foot
Sign Unicode Frame Foot Previous Sign
U+2502 same same necessary
U+254E opposite opposite necessary