
ansible role to create letsencrypt certificates integrated with nginx

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: ansible-role-letsencrypt

This role installs and configures the lego letsencrypt client to create https certificates for integration with nginx. Both DNS-01 and HTTP-01 letsencrypt verification can be used.

Note that if the nginx snippet will serve both IPv6 and IPv4, you should use the "ipv6only=false" parameter in your default vhost - see https://stefanchrist.eu/blog/2015_01_21/Using%20ipv6only%20in%20Nginx.xhtml and http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#listen.

If you don't provide the account key in the 'letsencrypt_accounts' variable, a new account key will be created. You can then reuse the newly created account key by adding them to the 'letsencrypt_accounts' variable.

Example of using dns verification

- ansible-role-letsencrypt # put after nginx

    - account_email: <letsencrypt account email>
      account_number: <letsencrypt account number>
      cloudflare_email: <cloudflare email address>
      cloudflare_api_key: <cloudflare api key>
      key: |
        -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
    - account: <letsencrypt account email>
      domains: [ primary-domain.com, other-domains.com ]

    extra_parameters: |
      # include letsencrypt https config(the wildcard allows nginx to start before letsencrypt has run)
      include snippets/primary-domain.com.https.conf*;

Example of using http verification

- ansible-role-letsencrypt # put after nginx

    - account_email: <letsencrypt account email>
    - account_number: <letsencrypt account number>
      key: |
        -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
    - account: <letsencrypt account email>
      domains: [ primary-domain.com, other-domains.com ]
      http_verification: true

    extra_parameters: |
      # include acme .well-known config(the wildcard allows nginx to start before letsencrypt has run)
      include snippets/acme_well_known.conf*;
      # include letsencrypt https config(the wildcard allows nginx to start before letsencrypt has run)
      include snippets/primary-domain.com.https.conf*;