
An experimental repository that contains example configuration for CJP written in an imaginary Groovy DSL

CJP Example Configuration DSL

This is an experimental repository that contains example configuration for CJP written in an imaginary Groovy DSL. Have a look at conf/main.conf to view example configuration. None of this is working code. It is merely the sketch of an idea.

The following themes are explored:

  • Is it possible to combine configuration for my entire CJP setup (with multiple masters) into one set of files? Configuration can then be pushed from CJOC to CJP masters as needed.
  • What if Jenkins config as code was built from the ground up with support for Docker containers? While support for Docker would almost certainly be optional, what would Jenkins configuration look like if Docker support was a first-class feature?

In this model a new command line tool would need to be created for Jenkins to evaluate configuration, bring up docker containers, and sync configuration across masters. I've detailed the experience with an imaginary jenkins configuration tool below.

Start containers

After creating your config, you can run:

$ jenkins start -d -c conf/main.conf

This does the following:

  1. Lints and reads configuration from the entry point conf/main.conf
  2. Detects that the config is using Docker
  3. Generates a docker-compose.yml in a temp directory
  4. Executes docker-compose up -d on this configuration to build and start the necessary Docker containers in the background
  5. Syncs configuration through CJOC across masters

Stop containers

To stop running containers:

$ jenkins stop -c conf/main.conf

This does the following:

  1. Reads configuration from the entry point conf/main.conf
  2. Generates a docker-compose.yml in a temp directory
  3. Executes docker-compose stop to stop running containers

Lint config

To lint your configuration for syntax errors, run:

$ jenkins lint -c conf/main.conf

This does the following:

  1. Reads configuration from the entry point conf/main.conf
  2. Outputs parse errors with file and line number

Generate a docker-compose file

For debugging purposes or integration with other scripts it is helpful to be able to generate a docker-compose configuration file. This is accomplished with:

$ jenkins compose -c conf/main.conf > my-docker-compose.yml

This does the following:

  1. Reads configuration from conf/main.conf
  2. Outputs docker-compose compatible YAML
  3. Pipes the output into my-docker-compose.yml

Sync configuration

Once our containers are up and running, we can sync configuration updates with:

$ jenkins sync -c conf/main.conf

This does the following:

  1. Lints and reads configuration from the entry point conf/main.conf
  2. Ensures that containers are present for all masters present in configuration, if not the command fails
  3. Syncs configuration through CJOC across masters