CJP Example Template Library

This repository is an example template library for CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise.

Example templates

The following examples are included:

File format and structure

Template repositories can be structured however the user desires. The only requirement is that template filenames end in .xml.template.

Library Templates are written using the same XML that Jenkins saves CJP Template configuration to disk. In fact, you can take the config.xml for any CJP Template and use that as the basis for a template in your library without any modification.

In addition the the standard XML for templates, library templates can also use directives. The include directive allows you to build templates from several files. This facilitates sharing code between templates.

To include another file in a template, you write:

<!-- include "file.xml" -->

References to files are relative to the directory of the current file. So to include a file one directory up (in the parent directory) you write:

<!-- include "../file.xml" -->

Some parts of a template may require escaping to become valid XML. When this is necessary we pass the escape_xml parameter as well:

<!-- include "file.xml", escape_xml: true -->

When true, the escape_xml parameter will cause all angle brackets(<, >) and ampersands (&) to be escaped.

Template lifecycle

Templates are compiled in two stages:

(1) In the first stage, the template definition from the repository is compiled to produce the template's config.xml which is stored in the Jenkins configuration. In this stage, directives (like <!-- include "file.xml" -->) are evaluated.

(2) In the second stage, the template config.xml is evaluated and the instance job config.xml is produced. In this stage, template variables (${variable}) and expressions (<%= expression %>) are evaluated.

┌─────────────────────────┐  ┌─────────────────────────┐  ┌─────────────────────────┐
│                         │  │                         │  │                         │
│          User           │  │       Repository        │  │         Jenkins         │
│                         │  │                         │  │                         │
└─────────────────────────┘  └─────────────────────────┘  └─────────────────────────┘
             │                            │                            │

             │ Add template               │                            │
              ───────────────────────────▶  New template
             │                            │───────────────────────────▶░ ────╮ (1) Generate template
                                                                       ░     │ config.xml
             │                            │                            ░ ◀───╯

             │                            │                            │
               Create template instance
             │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────▶░ ────╮ (2) Generate job
                                                                       ░     │ config.xml
             │                            │                            ░ ◀───╯

             │ Update template            │                            │
              ───────────────────────────▶  Updated template
             │                            │───────────────────────────▶░ ────╮ (1) Regenerate template
                                                                       ░     │ config.xml
             │                            │                            ░ ◀───╯
             │                            │                            ░ ────╮ (2) Regenerate job
                                                                       ░     │ config.xml
             │                            │                            ░ ◀───╯

             │                            │                            │