An example Electron app with a backend server all wired up via IPC
- adhrinaeNHN Cloud
- aganoza
- aleclarsonSouthwest Florida
- alexcarpenter@clerk
- bluetidepro@ActiveCampaign
- brett-andersonWrapbook
- ChristopherBiscardi@rust-adventure
- ColonelBundySweden
- cvpcasadavideocom.com
- da-vaibhavPune, Maharashtra, India
- devjin0617-
- firedeHefei/Shenzhen, China
- flybayer@BeeDesignLLC
- ggamelUnited States
- gtardini
- itsananderson@Dropbox
- jacobmischka@meterup
- joellimberg
- jthegedusAustralia
- JulienngStrasbourg
- kakaly
- manaskarekar
- morajabi@inlinehq
- mratwan@Shahonet
- nhaouari
- nickytonline@open-sauced
- quentin-sommerMontréal
- rhiokimSeoul in Korea
- rscottfreeUnited States of America
- Subby@giffgaff
- ThomasBemSpareBank1 Utvikling
- tleunen@usemotion
- tnunesMindera Software Craft
- wangzuo@swiftcarrot
- willhoney7@operationalresultsinc
- zoontekSwan