Download the latest binary from here
The following must be merged into the application descriptor in the manifestAdditions section:
<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<application android:enabled="true" @ANDROID_DEBUGGABLE@>
<activity android:name="com.jesusla.ane.CustomActivity"/>
<service android:name=""/>
<receiver android:name="">
<action android:name=""/>
<action android:name=""/>
<action android:name=""/>
<receiver android:name="">
<action android:name=""
For Google Play In-App Billing:
<meta-data android:name="SKProvider" android:value="Google"/>
<meta-data android:name="SKIdentity" android:value="BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY"/>
For Amazon In-App Purchases:
<meta-data android:name="SKProvider" android:value="Amazon"/>
import com.jesusla.storekit.*;
// StoreKit listeners should be setup as soon as app starts
StoreKit.addEventListener(TransactionEvent.TRANSACTION_PURCHASED, storeKit_purchaseHandler);
StoreKit.addEventListener(TransactionEvent.TRANSACTION_FAILED, storeKit_failureHandler);
StoreKit.addEventListener(TransactionEvent.TRANSACTION_REVOKED, storeKit_revokeHandler);
StoreKit.addEventListener(TransactionEvent.TRANSACTION_VERIFY, storeKit_verifyHandler);
// Once listeners are setup, StoreKit should be initialized
// PRODUCTS should be an array of Product IDs, which need to be previously configured in
// iTunesConnect / GooglePlay / Amazon Market.
const PRODUCTS:Array = [
'sku1', 'sku2', 'sku3', 'sku4', 'sku5', 'sku6'
StoreKit.init(PRODUCTS, initCallback);
function initCallback(success:Boolean):void
// initCallback is called with a flag indicating the initialization status
// If true, the system is ready to process orders. This flag can be
// obtained at any time with the canMakePayments property. The caller
// should adjust the UI appropriately in those cases when this flag is false.
// To request a purchase:
StoreKit.requestPayment('sku1', requestCallback);
// The success/failure of the purchase is reported in the optional
// request callback. A true value does not mean that the purchase
// went through. It simply means that the request was successful.
function requestCallback(success:Boolean):void
// As the transaction is processed, several events are fired.
// If there's a problem with the transaction (e.g. user cancels
// the transaction, the payment was declined, etc.) the event
// TRANSACTION_FAILED is fired. The failure must be acknowledged
// by finishing the transaction with acknowledgeTransaction()
function storeKit_failureHandler(event:TransactionEvent):void {
// Acknowledge the failure. Omitting this step will
// cause the event to be constantly fired for this
// transaction until acknowledged.
// If the transaction succeeds, the TRANSACTION_VERIFY event
// is fired. The client must now verify the transaction in an
// implementation-specific manner (e.g. verifying its cryptographic
// signature via a server-side request, etc.). The transaction
// should be acknowledged if verification passes. Otherwise,
// the transaction should be rejected.
function storeKit_verifyHandler(event:TransactionEvent):void {
if (serverSideVerification(event.transaction))
// After being successfully verified, the TRANSACTION_PURCHASED
// event is fired. The transaction is now complete and should
// be fulfilled. It is important not to acknowledge the transaction
// before it is fulfilled.
function storeKit_purchaseHandler(event:TransactionEvent):void {
if (fulfillTransaction(event.transaction))
// Finally, the TRANSACTION_REVOKED event may be fired for
// transactions that are revoked/refunded server-side. The client must
// revoke the goods (e.g. deduct coins, etc) and acknowledge the
// transaction.
function storeKit_revokeHandler(event:TransactionEvent):void {
if (revokeTransaction(event.transaction))
// Transactions are plain objects with the following properties:
var transaction:Object = event.transaction;
transaction.vendor; // One of VENDOR_APPLE, VENDOR_GOOGLE, VENDOR_AMAZON
transaction.transactionState; // One of STATE_FAILED, STATE_VERIFY,
transaction.productIdentifier; // e.g. 'sku1' (String)
// Note that during a VERIFY, only the first two fields are guaranteed
// to be present. The rest of the fields will be vendor-specific.
// Finally, the app may request restoring completed transactions.
// This will cause all non-consumable historic transactions to be
// resent to the client with a STATE_PURCHASED state. The optional callback
// is notified with a flag indicating success/failure
function restoreCallback(success:Boolean):void