
Slides and code for PyCaribbean 2018 presentations

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PyCaribbean 2018

There are two directories in this repo, since I did a workshop and a presentation.

intro_to_programming: Python & Spreadsheets: An Introduction to Programming

This workshop/tutorial introduces programming in Python. It uses working with spreadsheets as it's main example. The spreadsheet work is done with the OpenPyXL library.

  • {integer}_filename.py: the code files, numbered in the order you should run them.
    • Example: 1_loading.py
    • Note: files 2 and 3 do THE SAME THING. They're just different ways to do it (for loop vs list comprehension)
  • intro_to_programming.xlsx: the source spreadsheet
  • done_pycaribbean.xlsx: final spreadsheet, created by the code above
  • aggregate_time.json: JSON file created by 7_create_json_object.py
  • pycaribbean_2018.ipynb: the Jupyter notebook used in the demo

sefb: Software Engineering For Beginners

  • Slides in Keynote format: pycaribbean_2018_sefb.key
  • Slides in PDF format: pycaribbean_2018_sefb.pdf