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The goal of openlpgc is to provide an R interface for extracting data from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council open data site. This package uses the CKAN API and is powered by the ckanr package.

This package is fully inspirated by the opendataes package.


You can install the latest released version of openlpgc from Github with:

# install.packages("remotes")


openlpgc has three main functions:

  • lpgc_categories: Search for available datasets for each category
  • lpgc_search: Search datasets by keyword
  • lpgc_load: Load the dataset (specified by its id)

Let’s show two examples in order to illustrate what it’s been stated above.

Loading data after search by keywords

Let’s search all datasets that are related to environment (“medio ambiente”, in Spanish). We are supposed to use the lpgc_search function for this:

lpgc_search("medio ambiente")
#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#>   author      maintainer    id        name        notes          created   
#>   <chr>       <chr>         <chr>     <chr>       <chr>          <date>    
#> 1 Ayuntamien… Unidad Técni… 05a6f959… huertos-ur… La red de hue… 2014-09-24
#> 2 Sociedad d… <NA>          7b750e55… playas      Descripción d… 2016-02-26
#> 3 Ayuntamien… Unidad Técni… a0a2c658… prestamo-b… "El sistema d… 2014-09-18
#> 4 <NA>        <NA>          704bc902… localizaci… Localización … 2018-01-11

Once we have the result, we just need to select the ID we want to load and pass it into lpgc_load:

our_id <- lpgc_search("medio ambiente")$id[[1]]
lpgc_load(id = our_id)
#> $metadata
#> # A tibble: 1 x 6
#>   author       maintainer     id         name   notes            created   
#>   <chr>        <chr>          <chr>      <chr>  <chr>            <date>    
#> 1 Ayuntamient… Unidad Técnic… 05a6f959-… huert… La red de huert… 2014-09-24
#> $data
#> # A tibble: 9 x 11
#>   <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>            <int>         <int>            <int>
#> 1 El La…    28.1    -15.4             5220            58               28
#> 2 Siete…    28.1    -15.4             6788            31               21
#> 3 El Po…    28.1    -15.4             1249            18               21
#> 4 La Ma…    28.1    -15.5             3728            35               27
#> 5 Pino …    28.1    -15.4              536            12               25
#> 6 Lucha…    28.1    -15.4              721            16               23
#> 7 El Pa…    28.1    -15.4             2000            40               25
#> 8 Jinám…    28.0    -15.4             2256            46               30
#> 9 El Am…    28.1    -15.4             1874            41                3
#> # … with 5 more variables: `OCUP. COLEC` <int>, `OCUP. PART` <int>, `Nº
#> #   HORTELANOS` <int>, `Nº PARCELAS LIBRES` <int>, IMAGEN <chr>

lpgc_load always returns a list with two slots: the first one contains metadata tibble with information extracted from the site and the second slot is filled with the data, if it was possible to read them.

Loading data after search by categories

lpgc_show_categories displays a character vector with all the current available categories. Once you find the category you want to explore, lpgc_categories() shows the datasets related to it. A simple example to better illustrate it:

#>  [1] "ciencia-tecnologia"         "comercio"                  
#>  [3] "cultura-ocio"               "demografia"                
#>  [5] "deporte"                    "economia"                  
#>  [7] "educacion"                  "empleo"                    
#>  [9] "energia"                    "hacienda"                  
#> [11] "industria"                  "legislacion-justicia"      
#> [13] "medio-ambiente"             "medio-rural-pesca"         
#> [15] "salud"                      "sector-publico"            
#> [17] "seguridad"                  "sociedad-bienestar"        
#> [19] "transporte"                 "turismo"                   
#> [21] "urbanismo-infraestructuras" "vivienda"
#> # A tibble: 12 x 6
#>    author      maintainer   id         name        notes         created   
#>    <chr>       <chr>        <chr>      <chr>       <chr>         <date>    
#>  1 Ayuntamien… Sección de … c5888937-… escuela-mu… Escuela Muni… 2014-08-05
#>  2 <NA>        <NA>         a0aca961-… escuelas-m… Número de us… 2018-01-12
#>  3 Ayuntamien… Sección de … 48270b9f-… escuelas-m… Número de us… 2014-08-05
#>  4 <NA>        <NA>         354f9cab-… talleres-e… Talleres dir… 2018-01-10
#>  5 <NA>        <NA>         7d97a59b-… talleres-e… Talleres dir… 2018-01-10
#>  6 <NA>        <NA>         975cf9b2-… servicio-a… Servicio dir… 2018-01-10
#>  7 <NA>        <NA>         568c0ddc-… servicio-a… Servicio dir… 2018-01-10
#>  8 <NA>        <NA>         8424463a-… actividade… Actividades … 2018-01-09
#>  9 <NA>        <NA>         147f6a19-… talleres-a… Talleres del… 2018-01-09
#> 10 <NA>        <NA>         e21904d3-… actividade… Actividades … 2018-01-08
#> 11 <NA>        <NA>         1bf264fb-… talleres-a… Talleres de … 2018-01-08
#> 12 Ayuntamien… Sección de … 83a3320c-… centros-es… Nivel, nombr… 2014-08-05

Then we can pass an ID into lpgc_load as explained before