A PHP package to access the StethoMe API by a comprehensive way.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
With Composer installed, you can then install the extension using the following commands:
$ php composer.phar require jlorente/stethome-php-sdk
or add
"require": {
"jlorente/stethome-php-sdk": "*"
to the require
section of your composer.json
You can set the STETHOME_VENDOR_TOKEN as environment variables or add them later on StethoMe class instantiation.
The name of the environment var is STETHOME_VENDOR_TOKEN.
Endpoints calls must done through the StethoMe class.
If you haven't set the environment variable previously, remember to provide the key on instantiation.
$stethome = new \Jlorente\StethoMe\StethoMe($secretVendorToken);
Generate client token for end user device.
Generate client token for end user device, scoped to given visits ids (recommended).
Delete visit recordings.
Check processing status of all recordings associated with given visit id.
Check processing status of single recording associated with given visit id.
$stethome->pulmonary()->getPoint($visitId, $point);
Get analysed tags for a single recording from given visit id.
$stethome->pulmonary()->getPointTags($visitId, $point);
Get single recording audio file for playback.
$stethome->pulmonary()->getPointWav($visitId, $point);
Generate visit ID. All subsequent client requests will have to send this ID to properly match all recordings to same visit.
Add visit content.
$stethome->pulmonary()->postVisitContent($visitId, array $parameters = []);
Create visit copy token.
Lock visit.
Copyright © 2020 José Lorente Martín jose.lorente.martin@gmail.com.
Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE.txt for details.