
Get nice info about your current viewport. :desktop_computer:

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

What is my viewport?

A nice tool to discover some useful information about your current viewport, browser and OS. 🎉
Available at myviewport.com 🌐

💎 Stack

Built with Svelte, it uses the global window, navigator, screen, localStorage, sessionStorage and document.cookie objects in order to retrieve information about the current user's viewport.

The CSS is self-made, no framework; it also uses GitHub Actions as the CI/CD and GitHub Pages as the host, with a custom domain provided by Google Domains.

To get more acurate information about the OS it uses the bowser package - which parses the userAgent string and returns an object with nice info.

📝 Contributing

You can contribute to this project following the steps below:

  • Fork the repo
  • Create a new branch
  • Do the work
  • Fill a PR, assign it to you and, if possible, write a cool description
  • Wait for the review

Also, take a look at the contributing guide!

💻 Developing

After forking and cloning the project in your local environment, run the following commands:

# install dependencies
npm i
# or yarn

# run the project at localhost:5000
npm run dev
# or yarn dev

# run the tests
npm run test
# or yarn test

🔐 License

Licensed under the MIT License.