
A science fair app for remote instructors to celebrate their bootcamp students' final projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Science Fair

An app to help remote development classes showcase their science fairs!

How to use it



User Stories


  • A student should be able to sign in
  • A student should be able to select their cohort upon sign in
  • A student should be able to fill out a form submitting their project
  • A student should be able to join a "tour"
  • A student should be able to chat with people visiting their project
  • A student should be able to chat with the people whose projects they're visiting


  • An instructor should be able to sign in
  • An instructor should be able to create a class
  • An instructor should be able to create a tour
    • When creating a tour, an instructor should be able to select students and projects to participate (visitors and hosts)
  • An instructor should be able to view all chats happening within that tour & moderate if necessary




Check out the Balsamiq project for notes & so on. Major views are listed here.

Project view:

Project view

Everyone a visitor and host tours:


Student dashboard:

student dashboard

Design notes / spec sheet

Want to keep things super clean, it should be a nice app but it shouldn't detract from the actual projects themselves.

Google Fonts:

  • Epilogue
  • IBM Plex Mono
