
Zrickr Backend using Express and MongoDB to organizate films, series, books, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Zrickr Backend

Zrickr Backend using Express and MongoDB to organizate films, series, books, etc.

Previous Requirements on Windows

Cmder and Atom

Download and install Cmder for console commands (http://cmder.net/)

Download and install Atom for edit files (https://atom.io/)

###Nodejs,nvm and npm

Download and install nodejs and npm (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)

Download and install nvm (https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases)


Download MongoDB (https://www.mongodb.org/downloads#production)

Create and edit file "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod.conf" with the next lines:




bind_ip =

port = 27017





Create directory "D:\data\log"

Add "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin" to the "Path" Windows environment variable

Execute on console: mongod --config "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod.conf" --install

Node modules

npm install -g nodemon node-inspector


Download and install Python 2.7 (https://www.python.org/downloads/)

Add the python main directory to the "Path" Windows environment variable

Visual Studio

Download and install Visual Studio with option "Programming Language = visual c++" checked (https://www.visualstudio.com/es-es/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx)

Proyect Installation

git clone https://jlramosr@bitbucket.org/jlramosr/zrickr_be.git zrickr_be

cd zrickr_be && npm install

npm start (see all tasks on package.json)


Public Routes

POST signup { "local": {"email": "1", "password": "1234"} }: User signup

POST login {"username": "1", "password": "1234"}: User login

Protected or User Routes

Is necessary to introduce Login Process Token returned in Header.Authorization = "Bearer TOKEN"

GET profile: Return user information

GET signout: User signout

GET api/users: Return all users

GET api/users/ID: Return user identified by ID parameter

GET api/collections: Return all user collections

GET api/collections/ID: Return user collection identified by ID parameter

GET api/public/collections: Return public collection schemas

GET api/public/collections/ID: Return public collection schema indenfied by ID parameter

GET api/shared/collections: Return collections shared with the user

GET api/shared/collections/ID: Return the collection shared with the user indenfied by ID parameter

GET api/zrickers: Return all user zrickers of all collections

GET api/zrickers/COLID: Return all user zrickers of a collection identified by COL id parameter

GET api/zrickers/COLID/ID: Return user zrickr identified by ID parameter of a collection identified by COLID parameter

GET api/shared/zrickers: Return all zrickers of all collections shared with the user

GET api/shared/zrickers/COLID: Return all zrickers of a shared collection identified by COLID parameter

GET api/shared/zrickers/COLID/ID: Return zrickr identified by ID parameter of a shared collection identified by COLID parameter

POST api/collections { "name": "War Planes", "_fields": [ { "name": "brand", "type": "string", "required": true, "unique": true, "main": true }, { "name": "year", "type": "integer", "required": true, "unique": false, "byDefault": 20000 }, { "name": "price", "type": "number" }, { "name": "owners", "type": "relationMany", "_collection": "my-persons" }, { "name": "country", "type": "relationOne", "byDefault": "56e965ebb6decb581d61bc66", "_collection": "my-countries" }, { "name": "related planes", "type": "relationMany", "thisCollection": true } ], sharedWith: ["56e965eba6decf581d61bc12", "56e965ebae1ecb581d621bc15"] } : Insert an user customized collection

POST api/collections/ID: Insert an user collection from a definition of another public collection schema

POST api/zrickers { "_collection": "56efbeb7211f63fc373c66bb", "color": "red", "brand": "Opel", "sadsad": "noinsert", "country": "56e965ebb6decb581d61bc61", "owners": ["56e965ebb6decc581d61bc61", "56e965ebb6decc581d61bc62"]}: Insert a zrickr element into a collection

PUT profile/update { "local": {"password": "12345"} }: Update user information

DELETE api/collections: Delete all user collections

DELETE api/collections/ID: Delete user collection identified by ID parameter

DELETE api/zrickers: Delete all user zrickers

DELETE api/zrickers/COLID: Delete all user zrickers of a collection identified by COL id parameter

DELETE api/zrickers/COLID/ID: Delete zrickr identified by ID parameter of a collection identified by COL id parameter

Fields types

The available simple types of a collection field are 'boolean', 'string', 'number', 'integer', 'date' and 'image'. There are two additional types used to relate one field with a zrickr of other collections (including the collection of the current zrickr): 'relationOne' and 'relationMany'

Fields Properties

Besides the name and type of a field, we are able to add the next properties:

required: Is necessary to introduce the field when we create a zrickr element

unique: There can be no more than one zrickr element with the same value. If there are two or more uniques fields, the unique condition is applied to all fields together

main: Is the "title" of all zrickers elements. If there are two or more main fields, the title of the zrickers is a concatenation for all of them

byDefault: Value by default applied to the field if the user doesn't fill anything

_collection: If the type is relational, this property indicate the id of the related collection

thisCollection: If the type is relational, this property indicate the related collection is the current one. This property tread _collection