1. Create a Starter App βπβ
First tutorial.
Some useful resources:
- Set the base map for a 2D app: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-Map.html#basemap
- RequireJS: https://requirejs.org/docs/node.html
2. Select a Basemap βπβ
Basemap Toggle
Basemap Gallery
- VectorBasemap Property: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-portal-Portal.html#useVectorBasemaps
3. Add layers to map βπβ
Here you need to add more information about which type of information is available in
4. Style feature layers βπβ
The definition of renderers in theses tutorial is different than in the past lessos
5. Configure pop-ups βπβ
You could use the code of the previous tutorial
6. Query a feature layer βπβ
- Until the 5th tutorial: https://codepen.io/joseluisramon/pen/eYJJPYe?editors=1000