
CLI tools for reading, downloading data from Shelly Pro 3EM. CLI tool for monitoring and executing RPC calls over WebSocket or UDP

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Shelly Tools

Collection of tools used to interface, test and read Shelly devices.

Getting started

npm install

Given a standard node installation on a *nix or mac system make the files in ./bin executable:

chmod u+x ./bin/*.sh
chmod u+x ./bin/*.js

Running the tools


Used to download data from a Pro 3EM device.

Usage info:



SHELLY=<shelly-ip> ./bin/fetch.js 1d

Download from the device at that IP address 1 day of data


Read data from a device, compare two devices, compare against reference values stored in json file


Read data from a device

SHELLY=<shelly-ip> ./bin/read.js read


SHELLY= ./bin/read.js read
Shelly Pro 3EM device at
│ (iteration index) │      Key      │     Values     │
│         0         │     'mac'     │ 'EC62608A33A0' │
│         1         │  'voltage_a'  │     235.3      │
│         2         │  'voltage_b'  │     235.3      │
│         3         │  'voltage_c'  │     235.3      │
│         4         │  'current_a'  │     0.286      │
│         5         │  'current_b'  │     0.036      │
│         6         │  'current_c'  │     0.228      │
│         7         │  'current_n'  │      null      │
│         8         │  'apower_a'   │      27.1      │
│         9         │  'apower_b'   │      3.1       │
│        10         │  'apower_c'   │       19       │
│        11         │ 'aprtpower_a' │      67.2      │
│        12         │ 'aprtpower_b' │      8.6       │
│        13         │ 'aprtpower_c' │      53.6      │
│        14         │    'pf_a'     │     -0.63      │
│        15         │    'pf_b'     │       -1       │
│        16         │    'pf_c'     │     -0.61      │

Compare two devices

SHELLY=<shelly-ip> ETALON=<etalon-ip> ./bin/read.js compare

Compare against reference values in json

SHELLY=<shelly-ip> ETALON=<reference-json> ./bin/read.js compareref


➜ SHELLY= ETALON=./config/refs-50w-1pf.json ./bin/read.js compareref
│   (index)   │     Reference     │  Device   │ Diff % │
│  voltage_a  │        230        │   234.1   │  1.78  │
│  voltage_b  │        230        │   234.6   │   2    │
│  voltage_c  │        230        │   234.4   │  1.91  │
│  current_a  │ 0.217391304347826 │   0.327   │ 50.42  │
│  current_b  │ 0.217391304347826 │   0.034   │ 84.36  │
│  current_c  │ 0.217391304347826 │   0.028   │ 87.12  │
│  current_n  │ 0.217391304347826 │   0.874   │ 302.04 │
│  apower_a   │        50         │   -66.6   │ 233.2  │
│  apower_b   │        50         │    2.5    │   95   │
│  apower_c   │        50         │    0.7    │  98.6  │
│ aprtpower_a │        50         │   70.7    │  41.4  │
│ aprtpower_b │        50         │    7.4    │  85.2  │
│ aprtpower_c │        50         │     6     │   88   │
│    pf_a     │         1         │ -0.946503 │ 194.65 │
│    pf_b     │         1         │ 0.368413  │ 63.16  │
│    pf_c     │         1         │ 0.066651  │ 93.33  │


Simple tool that prvides CLI for RPC to a Shelly device. Notifications and events are printed on the console.


Start the console application and connect to a Shelly over WebSocket.

SHELLY=<shelly-ip> ./bin/console.js

Start the console application and connect to a Shelly over UDP. You need to configure UDP listen port on the Shelly device

SHELLY=<shelly-ip>:<shelly-udp-port> TRANSPORT=udp ./bin/console.js


You can set an environment option that a command option will default to:

  • SHELLY= ./bin/fetch.js 1d

or you can set the defaults in ./env/.env