
Facility Management System Web Application - Spring Framework

Primary LanguageJava

Distributed Systems

Spring Framework Web Application

The Spring Framework is an application framework and inversion of control container for the Java platform. The framework's core features can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions for building web applications on top of the Java EE platform. More information here: https://spring.io/

Running the JAR application

System requirements

  • Java 8 SDK or later

From the source directory go to the location of the application target folder: Then run the application with the java compiler:

java -jar target/facility.jar

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::        (v1.5.2.RELEASE)

The application can be access locally at:


Application routes:

Routes Response Type Method
/chaos/rate/{rate} application/json ChaosController.setRate()
/facility/delete application/json FacilityController.cleanDB()
/facility/{id} application/json FacilityController.getFacility()
/facility/add application/json FacilityController.addFacility()
/facility/all application/json FacilityController.getALL()
/facility/delete/{id} application/json FacilityController.deleteByID()
/facility/maintenance/{id} application/json MaintenanceController.getFacility()
/facility/maintenance/add application/json MaintenanceController.addMaintenance()
/facility/maintenance/all application/json MaintenanceController.getALL()
/facility/maintenance/delete/{id} application/json MaintenanceController.deleteByID()
/facility/use/{id} application/json UseController.getMaintenance()
/facility/use/add application/json UseController.addFacilityUse()
/facility/use/all application/json UseController.getALL()
/facility/use/delete/{id} application/json UseController.deleteByID()

Testing the spring framework context

To test the system we can generate traffic using the Facility client jar:

java -jar  target/client.jar

 Select an option from the menu:

 	 1) ADD Facility Client Traffic

 	 2) GET Facility Client Traffic

 	 3) DELETE Client Traffic

 	 4) GET/ADD/DELETE Client Traffic

 	 5) Quit

AWS RDS - PostgreSQL Database

AmazonRDS - DBInstance

Instance Description
TypeType Small Instance - Current Generation
Number of virtual cores 1 vCPU
Memory 2 GiB
Network Performance Low
Free Tier Eligible Yes

Default settings for maximum number of concurrent connections 'max_connections' settings :

  • LEAST({DBInstanceClassMemory/9531392},5000)
setting min_val max_val boot_val reset_val
87 1 262143 100 87

To increase performance change to:

  • GREATEST({DBInstanceClassMemory/9531392},5000)

More information about AWS RDS database metrics can be found here:

Database Traffic Summary

Network Transmit Throughput

  • The outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
  • Units: Bytes/second

Database Performance Summary


  • The average number of disk I/O operations per second.
  • Units: Count/Second


  • The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
  • Units: Seconds

DB Table Structure

psql (9.6.2, server 9.6.1)

facilitydb=> \d
                     List of relations
 Schema |             Name              |   Type   | Owner
 public | facility                      | table    | devops
 public | facility_details              | table    | devops
 public | facility_use                  | table    | devops
 public | facility_use_order_number_seq | sequence | devops
 public | inspection                    | table    | devops
 public | maintenance                   | table    | devops
(6 rows)

facilitydb=> \d facility

            Table "facility"
    Column     |  Type   | Modifiers
 facility_id   | integer | not null
 facility_name | text    |
 room_number   | integer |
 media         | boolean |
 max_capacity  | integer |
    "facility_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (facility_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "facility_details"
    TABLE "facility_use"
    TABLE "inspection"
    TABLE "maintenance"

facilitydb=> \d facility_details

        Table "facility_details"
     Column      |  Type   | Modifiers
 facility_id     | integer | not null
 phone_number    | text    |
 department      | text    |
 occupied        | boolean |
 inspection_date | date    |
Foreign-key constraints:

facilitydb=> \d facility_use

           Table "facility_use"
      Column       |  Type   |      Modifiers
 order_number      | integer | not null 
 facility_id       | integer | not null
 customer_id       | integer | not null
 reservation_start | date    |
 reservation_end   | date    |
 inspection_date   | date    |
Foreign-key constraints:

facilitydb=> \d inspection

            Table "inspection"
      Column       |  Type   | Modifiers
 facility_id       | integer | not null
 inspection_code   | text    |
 inspection_date   | date    |
 passed_inspection | boolean |
 description       | text    |
Foreign-key constraints:

facilitydb=> \d maintenance

            Table "maintenance"
       Column       |  Type   | Modifiers
 facility_id        | integer | not null
 start_work         | date    |
 end_work           | date    |
 facility_downtime  | numeric |
 maintenance_cost   | integer |
 maintenance_log    | text    |
 maintenance_status | text    |
Foreign-key constraints:

Project UML Diagram

Composite Structure