
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A bot for a personal server, will be combining other bots.

The bot listens for mentions, and does commands based on that.


Just run NPM install, and all required packages should be installed. If you're curious they are as follows:


To be completely honest I'm not entirely sure if I missed any.


Always tag bot first, usage is written in Minecraft command convention.

Command Usage Description
clear clear [count/user] [count] Clears either all messages in the last count or all messages from set user in the last count. Default count is 100.
ping ping Checks ping to bot.
music music <play/stop> [url] Not complete.


The bot will automatically reply to some phrases, without the need to tag.

Auto-Reply Example

The configuration is found in auto_replies.json and is formatted like below:

  "trigger": "response",
  "Pizza": "Party!"

It can be edited live; it updates without need to restart the bot. However if the JSON is malformed then the bot will crash on the next new message.



Clear example

The clear message (along with the sent command) are cleared after it is done.


Ping example


To use the bot a few configs must be setup. These are all found in the config folder, just remove ‑example from the filename. These are all very self explanatory, but if needed here we are:


config.json requires discord bot token, setup here (or follow this guide).

  "token": "DISCORD_TOKEN"


The general structure of perms.json is the command followed by an array of allowed roles:

  "clear": [
  "ping": [
  "setreply": [
  "music": [

Notice ping uses @everyone, as expected this just means anyone can use the command.


Some confusion may occur here, replies.json are the replies required by the bot, not the autoreplies. default_reply is when the bot is pinged, with no arguments; mistake_tag occurs when the bot ping is not the first argument in the command. The rest you can read in the code.

  "default_reply": "Hi there!",
  "mistake_tag": "Did you tag me by mistake?",
  "invalid_command": "Invalid command.",
  "insufficient_permissions": "You do not have permission for that command.",
  "no_voice_connected": "You need to be in a voice channel."

As you can see there is a no_voice_connected, that is for music, which is next to come for this bot.


This section is just if you care about how the bot actually works. This section is currently out of date


The commands are set up in a modular way. As long as permissions are set up, then dropping a file into commands adds it to the bot, on next restart.

This is done with some code borrowed from here:

const commandFiles = readdirSync(join(__dirname, "commands")).filter(file => file.endsWith(".js"));
for (const file of commandFiles) {
  const command = require(join(__dirname, "commands", `${file}`));
  client.commands.set(command.name, command);

The loading of the commands is borrowed from the same source:

const command = client.commands.get(args[1])
  Send.fail(msg, replies.invalid_command)
// Log.info(command)
// Log.info(perms[args[1]]['perms'])
if(msg.member.roles.cache.find(r => perms[args[1]].includes(r.name))){
  command(msg, args, client)
Send.fail(msg, replies.insufficient_permissions)


On a user message, it is quickly checked against the set up JSON file here:

await readFile('./auto_replies.json', (err, data) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  var auto_replies = JSON.parse(data);
  if(msg.content in auto_replies){
    Log.info(`${msg.author.username} sent the message: ${msg.content}`)
    Send.success(msg, auto_replies[msg.content])

It loads the replies and finds any matching to reply with. This is called every time a message is sent, so if there is malformed JSON in the config file it will break.


The configs are loaded with Javascript destructuring:

const { config, replies, perms } = require("./config")

Along with an index.js in the config folder:

const config = require("./config.json")
const replies = require("./replies.json")
const perms = require("./perms.json")

module.exports = {
  config: config,
  replies: replies,
  perms: perms