
Primary LanguageC++

NVSim - A performance, energy and area estimation tool
for non-volatile memory (NVM)



    1. Overview
    2. Compiling NVSim
    3. Running NVSim
    4. Configuring NVSim
    5. Hacking NVSim
    6. README Changelog


1. Overview

    NVSim models the area, timing, dynamic energy and 
    leakage power of Phase-Change Memory (PCM), Spin-
    Torque-Transfer RAM (STT-RAM), Resistive RAM
    (ReRAM) or memristor, Floating Body Dynamic RAM
    (FBDRAM) and Single-Level Cell NAND Flash.
    NVSim uses the same modeling principles as the
    well-known CACTI, but it starts from scratch on
    the basis of a brand-new frame work with more
    flexibility in terms of bank/mat/subarray
    organization and periphral circuitry design. Such
    flexibility is necessary for emerging non-volatile
    memory technologies as the current status of most 
    emerging NVMs is unknown. Thanks for trying NVSim!

NVSim对相变存储器(PCM)、自旋扭转转移存储器(STT-RAM)、电阻式RAM(ReRAM)或记忆体、浮体动态RAM(FBDRAM)和单级单元NAND Flash的面积、时序、动态能量和漏电功率进行建模。NVSim使用与著名的CACTI相同的建模原理,但它是在一个全新的框架基础上从头开始的,在库/板/子阵列组织和周边电路设计方面具有更大的灵活性。这种灵活性对于新兴的非易失性存储器技术是必要的,因为大多数新兴的非易失性存储器的现状是未知的。谢谢你尝试NVSim!


2. Compiling NVSim

    NVSim is programmed under GNU C++, and it can be 
    compiled on both Unix-like OSes and Microsoft 

    2a. Under Linux

        The tool can be built using make:

        $ make

        Running through make will automatically set 
        the compile flags needed.


3. Running NVSim

    If no .cfg file is specified, NVSim will load the 
    default configuration file (nvsim.cfg)

    $ ./nvsim

    Actually, users can specify their own configurations
    by passing the ".cfg" argument.

    $ ./nvsim <custom>.cfg


4. Configuring NVSim

    NVSim can be configured using the configuration files.
    Several example configuration files can be found in
    the root directory of the source code. Note that most
    of the configuration files are specified with small
    capacity (< 128MB) as the current version of NVSim 
    only models a single-bank. Multi-bank cache/memory is
    in the to-do list of NVSim 2.0.

    For example, 
    sample_STTRAM_cache.cfg - A 8MB STT-RAM cache (both 
    data and array) configured for design space exploration
    sample_PCRAM.cfg - A 16MB PCM macro with fixed bank 
    organization (H-tree, internal sensing)
    sample_RRAM.cfg - A 2MB ReRAM macro with fixed bank
    organization (bus-manner routing, external sensing)
    A more detailed listing of configuration parameter 
    names and potential values are on the NVSim wiki page.


5. Hacking NVSim

    As mentioned in the overview, NVSim is meant to 
    be flexible. Another level of flexibility is 
    enabled when experts in NVM design Write their own
    sense amplifier, voltage plane, charge pump
    circuiitry etc. This can be done by creating a new
    C++ file with a new class and instantiate the new
    class in corresponding component. 


6. README changelog

    09/16/2013 - Created first README (shared template
    with NVMain)


Please refer to the following paper for a general
introduction of the tool,
"NVSim: A Circuit-Level Performance, Energy and Area
Model for Emerging Nonvolatile Memory", IEEE TCAD 2012

At the mean time, we are working on the documentation
of a detailed technical report. If you have any comments,
questions, or suggestions please contact us via email.

Cong Xu <czx102@cse.psu.edu>
Xiangyu Dong <xydong@cse.psu.edu>