
A class for working with two dimensional vectors.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A class for working with two dimensional vectors.

require 'vector2d'

def print_my_vector vector
  puts "#{vector}, magnitude: #{vector.magnitude}, angle: #{vector.get_angle}"

a = Vector2D.new(3,10)
print_my_vector a
# 3:10, magnitude: 10.44030650891055, angle: 1.2793395323170296

b = a.normalize
print_my_vector b
# 0.2873478855663454:0.9578262852211513, magnitude: 0.9999999999999999, angle: 1.2793395323170296

c = b.multiply_scalar(3)
print_my_vector c
# 0.8620436566990362:2.873478855663454, magnitude: 2.9999999999999996, angle: 1.2793395323170296

d = c.rotate(Math::PI)
print_my_vector d
# -0.8620436566990365:2.873478855663454, magnitude: 2.9999999999999996, angle: 1.8622531212727638