
Convert documents from one format to another

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


documorph is a .NET package and command-line tool for converting between document file formats. The current implementation supports .docx to .md, .wiki, .asciidoc files. Additional output formats may be considred in the future.

documorph example


dotnet package install lpains.documorph --prerelease

Getting Started

// Create an instance of a processor class. Options are DocxToMarkdownProcessor, DocxToAsciiDocProcessor, or DocxToWikiProcessor.
// All processors require the .docx file path and a media relative path.
var processor = new DocxToMarkdownProcessor(source.FullName, ".");

// Invoke the Process() method which returns the markdown content and media files.
var (markdown, media) = processor.Process();


dotnet tool install --global lpains.documorph.cli --prerelease

Getting Started

Upon installation, access the tool by executing documorph in your terminal. For specific command details, refer to the sections below or utilize the CLI help via documorph -h.

documorph md --in <input> --out <output> [--media-location <directory path>] [-?, -h, --help]
documorph asciidoc --in <input> --out <output> [--media-location <directory path>] [-?, -h, --help]
documorph wiki --in <input> --out <output> [--media-location <directory path>] [-?, -h, --help]

Markdown usage example:

documorph --in .\source.docx `
           --out .\target.md

Output file (target.md):

# Heading 1

1. numbered lists are supported

## Heading 2

- bullet lists too

### Heading 3

> You can create quotes and tables

| Column 1 | Column 2 |
| value 1  | value 2  |

#### Heading 4
You can also add links like this: [Link](https://www.example.com)

And images like this:

And **bold** or *italic* or __underscore__ or ~~striked~~ text.



Converts a .docx to markdown.


Converts a .docx to asciidoc.


Converts a .docx to MediaWiki.


All commands take the same parameters.

--in (required)

The input .docx file or directory. If a folder is provided, all the .docx files will be converted. Any .docx file should be a valid Open XML Word document.

--out (required)

The output file or directory full path.


The output directory full path to store the media files in. If this option is not provided, the media files are dropped in the folder where the output files are in.