
Electronic filing web UI using Next.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node.js (and npm) are required. If not already installed, please download latest version from NodeJS.org (version >= 14). See below for a discussion on using nodeenv in case you are having trouble with installing npm packages.

Install dependencies

cd frontend
npm install

Start development server

npm run dev

After compiling successfully, app can be viewed at localhost:3000. App will run on port 3000 by default, although another port can be specified via npm run dev -- -p 4032, where 4032 is the port number you'd like to use.

Style Linting

Repo follows StandardJS style guide.

Lint repo

npm run lint

Fix any linting mistakes

npm run fix


Build the app for production

npm run build

This will create a production-optimized build of the app in build/.

Serve the production-optimized build

npm run start

Using Nodeenv

Nodeenv is like a Python virtualenv and allows you to install custom versions of node and npm. At least one of us (Christian) found it necessary to get things to work. The issue is that this repo/project uses ReactJS 17.+, but there are still many React Component packages that have a ReactJS 16 requirement. Using npm 7.0.4, Christian wasn't able to get packages installed.

brew install nodeenv
nodeenv env --node=15.3.0 --npm=6.14.10
source env/bin/activate

Then do your normal npm install, and potentially add --force to overwrite ReactJS 16 dependencies:

npm install --no-optional --force

Global Modal

If you would like to use a global modal to display an error message or information the user, use the Global Modal dispatch.


import { useModalDispatch } from './contexts'


const dispatch = useModalDispatch();

// Toggle the modal
  type: "SET_ERROR",
  payload: {
  isOpen: true,
    showButton1: true,
    button1Props: {
      size: 'extra',
      color: 'secondary',
      text: "Dashboard"
      nextRoute: '/admin/dashboard',
    showButton2: true,
    button2Props: {
      size: 'small',
      color: 'primary',
      text: "Home"
      nextRoute: '/',


All you need to toggle the modal is the type "SET_ERROR" and payload with property "isOpen" set to true, in which only 1 button will show up with the text "Close". You have complete control over how the buttons can behave in your modal.

To pass custom props, use the "button1Props" or buttons2Props(Notice: if showButton2 is not set to true, your second button will not render)

Size & Color: Values allowed here can be found in components/buttons/Button.js

nextRoute: allows you to control where the user gets redirected on click. If this is left blank, no redirect will happen.