
HMTl CSS Git: Code Refractor As one of the most common tasks for front-end developers is to take HTML code with a CSS style sheet and refractor it, so that it meets a set of acceptance criteria.

In this homework we were given the HTML (index.html) CSS (style.css) and images. The code then had to meet the below acceptance criteria:

## Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN a webpage meets accessibility standards
WHEN I view the source code
THEN I find semantic HTML elements
WHEN I view the structure of the HTML elements
THEN I find that the elements follow a logical structure independent of styling and positioning
WHEN I view the image elements
THEN I find accessible alt attributes
WHEN I view the heading attributes
THEN they fall in sequential order
WHEN I view the title element
THEN I find a concise, descriptive title

In order to meet the acceptance criteria I:
 Restructured HTML elements; 
 Added class's and Id's in the <tagnames for specific stylings; 
 Simplified the css so that stylings were not repeated unessaarily; 
 Added Commentary to HTML to make it more easily read;
 Added <alt=""> names if images became unavaliable so that they could be referenced and added a descriptive title.