
Food delivery app like Just Eat, written in .NET 6 and NextJS

Primary LanguageC#

Getting started

  • Static assets (photos) stored in S3 eu-west-1.

DDD concepts

  • Value objects
  • Aggregates
  • Always-valid entities
  • Encapsulation
  • Repository pattern

Hexagonal Architecture concepts

  • Core business logic decoupled from infrastructure via interfaces
  • Pluggable dependencies
  • Unit tests drive application logic

Clean Architecture concepts

  • Inversion of dependencies to follow the dependency rule
  • Application logic decoupled from delivery mechanism (web controllers)
  • Application logic decoupled from infrastructure via interfaces and adapters
  • Application use cases modelled explicitly as Handler objects
  • Simple DTOs passed between layers

CQRS concepts

  • Command side involves DDD-style domain model w/encapsulation, whereas query side involves simple DTO models
  • Query side reads data from database directly through Dapper using hand-written SQL queries
  • Command side loads aggregate roots wholesale through Entity Framework Core

Event-driven architecture concepts

  • Asynchronous workflows via messaging with AWS SNS
  • Outbox pattern
  • Idempotent consumers
  • Websockets for live updates using SignalR

Vertical slice architecture concepts

  • Use cases packaged by feature rather than by layer
  • Request/response objects not shared between features