
A Vim plugin to quickly spin off asyncronous Python tests in a Tmux Split

Primary LanguageVim Script


A Vim plugin to quickly spin off asynchronous Python tests in a Tmux split.


We depend upon Vimux, so you will need to install it as well. Use your plugin manager (Vundle, Plug, Pathogen) to install these two GitHub repositories:


In your .vimrc set the script you use to run your tests:

" Default
let g:vigilant_cmd = 'nosetests'


Vigilant simply exposes commands, but to use them you probably want to create some mappings in your .vimrc:

" Run all your tests
" e.g.  nosetests
nnoremap <leader>va :VigilantRunTests<cr>

" Run the currently open test file
" e.g.  nosetests /path/to/my/file.py
nnoremap <leader>vf :VigilantRunCurrentTests<cr>

" Run a single test class based on cursor postion
" e.g.  nosetests /path/to/my/file.py:MySuite
nnoremap <leader>vc :VigilantRunTestClass<cr>

" Run a single test method based on cursor postion
" e.g.  nosetests /path/to/my/file.py:MySuite.my_test_method
nnoremap <leader>vm :VigilantRunSingleTest<cr>

" Rerun your last Vigilant test command
nnoremap <leader>vv :VigilantRerun<cr>