A implementation of CF-NADE. Yin Zheng, et. al. "A Neural Autoregressive Approach to Collaborative Filtering", accepted by ICML 2016.

Primary LanguagePython

Code for "A Neural Autoregressive Approach to Collaborative Filtering", ICML 2016


You need to install:
Theano: http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/
blocks: http://blocks.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bricks_overview.html
		version 0.1.1 is requred

In this code, you can use the code in "datasets" to generate a hdf5 dataset to feed CF-NADE. 
Then you can run "learner_ordinalcost_directly_itembased_newsoftmax_timing.py" to train and 
test CF-NADE.

And example to run the code is:

MovieLens1M=/Users/yin.zheng/ml_datasets/MovieLens1M-shuffle-itembased-0 python learner_ordinalcost_directly_itembased_newsoftmax_timing.py 512 10 60 0.001 0.1 0.001 1e-8 500 tanh 0 0.02 Adam 0 1 0.995 /tmp/cfnade