
Sample projects to do behaviour driven development using xspec framework.

Primary LanguageXSLT

XSLT BDD with Xspec

Author: José Miguel Martínez Carrasco
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 17-12-2013


I wanted to apply behaviour driven development (BDD) techniques to XSLT development.


Here are the commands to install them on Fedora linux 19:

yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk ant saxon
cd /usr/local
wget 'http://xspec.googlecode.com/files/xspec-0.4.0rc1.zip'
unzip xspec-0.4.0rc1.zip

For OSX I have used homebrew:

brew install ant ivy


Use xspec.properties file to provide settings like Xspec home folder and Saxon home folder:

# saxon system binary

If you don't have saxon installed, an ivy task is provided to download it for you. As the saxon jar file is operating system dependent, you need to populate relevant properties:

# saxon ivy binary

If you go for the second approach, run this command to get saxon library:

ant resolve


This is the default task, just especify the specification file to process.

The tutorial folder contains the files you can find in xspec tutorial, just to check works.

ant -Dxspec.xml=tutorial/escape-for-regex.xspec

Note for MacOSX users, you need to specify ivy libraries location:

ant -lib /usr/local/Cellar/ivy/2.3.0/libexec/ -Dxspec.xml=tutorial/escape-for-regex.xspec

Check build.sh script if you don't like typing.


There is an echoproperties task useful for debugging purpuoses.


Just run the clean task to delete the directory containing output reports.