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npm install lab-testing --save-dev

lab-testing contains two namespaces: throws and rejects. The contain the same tests with throws used to test synchronous messages and rejects used to test promises. In addition, there are a few top levels tests too.

Standard Constructor Test

Executes basic tests for nulls and undefined against all constructor parameters.


  • class: Class - The class to instantiate
  • labels: string[] - description of the parameters for the constructor
  • parameters: ...params - The correct values for the constructor
import * as Code from "code";
import * as Lab from "lab";
import getHelper from "lab-testing";

const lab = exports.lab = Lab.script();
const testing = getHelper(lab);

lab.experiment("standardContructorTest", () => {

  testing.standardContructorTest(TestClass, ["one", "two"], "one", "two");


Create Experiment

Sometimes you want to represent hierarchy in your tests which, with lab, means a lot of indenting. This just reduces that indent and eliminates the boilerplate code.


  • ...levels: string[] - Any number of levels as strings
import * as Code from "code";
import * as Lab from "lab";
import getHelper from "lab-testing";

const lab = exports.lab = Lab.script();
const expect = Code.expect;
const testing = getHelper(lab);

const group = testing.createExperiment("Service", "Component");

group("methodOne", () => {

  lab.test(done => {
    return done();


Function Parameter Test

Executes basic tests for nulls and undefined against all function parameters.


  • function: Function - The function to test
  • labels: string[] - description of the parameters for the constructor
  • parameters: ...params - The correct values for the constructor

Testing for Thrown Exceptions

import * as Lab from "lab";
import getHelper from "lab-testing";

const lab = exports.lab = Lab.script();
const testing = getHelper(lab);

lab.experiment("functionParameterTest", () => {

  const fnc = function (one, two) {

    // no parameter checks! This will fail some tests

  testing.throws.functionParameterTest(fnc, ["one", "two"], "one", "two");


Testing for Rejected Promises

import * as Lab from "lab";
import getHelper from "lab-testing";

const lab = exports.lab = Lab.script();
const testing = getHelper(lab);

lab.experiment("functionParameterTest", () => {

  const fnc = function (one, two) {

    // no parameter checks! This will fail some tests
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      return resolve({one, two});


  testing.rejects.functionParameterTest(fnc, ["one", "two"], "one", "two");


Method Parameter Test

Executes basic tests for nulls and undefined against all method parameters.


  • object: Object - The instance of a class
  • function: Function - The method on that instance
  • labels: string[] - description of the parameters for the constructor
  • parameters: ...params - The correct values for the constructor

Testing for Thrown Exceptions

import * as Lab from "lab";
import getHelper from "lab-testing";

const lab = exports.lab = Lab.script();
const testing = getHelper(lab);

class TestClass {

  method(one, two) {

    // no parameter checks! This will fail some tests

lab.experiment("methodParameterTest", () => {

  const obj = new TestClass();

  testing.throws.methodParameterTest(obj, obj.method, ["one", "two"], "one", "two");


Testing for Rejected Promises

import * as Lab from "lab";
import getHelper from "lab-testing";

const lab = exports.lab = Lab.script();
const testing = getHelper(lab);

class TestClass {

  method(one, two) {

    // no parameter checks! This will fail some tests
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      return resolve({one, two});

lab.experiment("methodParameterTest", () => {

  const obj = new TestClass("one", "two");

  testing.rejects.methodParameterTest(obj, obj.method, ["one", "two"], "one", "two");
