
A roslyn source generator for creating proxies targeting the Tmds.DBus.Protocol API

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A roslyn source generator targeting the Tmds.DBus.Protocol API


This source generator completely eliminates the usage of reflection in order to be trimmer- and AOT-friendly. For further documentation of Tmds.DBus and DBus in general, see https://github.com/tmds/Tmds.DBus#readme.



This Source Generator targets the Tmds.DBus.Protocol API, which means you have to explicitly install said package.

Either install the NuGet package Tmds.DBus.SourceGenerator or clone the git repository and add a project reference to the source generator in your .csproj

    <ProjectReference Include="./Tmds.DBus.SourceGenerator/Tmds.DBus.SourceGenerator/Tmds.DBus.SourceGenerator.csproj" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />

<Import Project="./Tmds.DBus.SourceGenerator/Tmds.DBus.SourceGenerator/Tmds.DBus.SourceGenerator.props" />

Then add the xml definitions as AdditionalFiles to your project. Depending on whether you want to generate a Proxy or a handler, set the DBusGeneratorMode to either Proxy or Handler, respectively.

    <AdditionalFiles Include="DBusXml/DBus.xml" DBusGeneratorMode="Proxy" />
    <AdditionalFiles Include="DBusXml/StatusNotifierItem.xml" DBusGeneratorMode="Handler" />

Now you can instantiate the generated proxy class and use it like with the traditional Tmds.DBus. For handlers, create a new class and inherit from the generated one and implement its abstract methods.


For examples, you may take a look at some projects that use this source generator:

How to obtain DBus interface definitions

DBus interface definitions are written in XML. There are mainly 2 ways for obtaining those:

  1. Finding the the source online somewhere... This could be a GitHub repo or some obscure website from the mid 2000s (at your own risk).
  2. Dumping the definition via introspection If you have a service running on your system from which you want to extract the definition, you may use busctl, e.g.:
    To list available services:
    busctl list
    To inspect the object tree of a service:
    busctl tree <service name>
    To dump the xml definition of the interface:
    busctl introspect <service name> /path/to/object --xml-interface