Dockerfile to build Ubuntu LAMP image(Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP5)

This image is designed to run any software that use LAMP environments. In this case for teaching purposes I deploy ownCloud. You will have your container started and configured in few seconds.

First step

Clone this repository

  git clone

Build Image

You can change the name of the tag, you will use later.

  docker build -t "ubuntu_oc_lamp" .
  Step 21 : CMD /sbin/my_init
  ---> Running in eaef6088f35c
  ---> ef6cbaed803b
  Removing intermediate container eaef6088f35c
  Successfully built ef6cbaed803b

At this point we have a docker image that we can use to start all containers that you want.

Default passwords


  1. User: root
  2. Password: root

Mysql & phpMyAdmin

  1. User: root
  2. Password: owncloud


  1. User: admin
  2. Password: Password

Environment variables

You can use environment variables to modify some params

By default OC_URL point to

  • OC_ADMIN_USER=admin

By default OC_ADMIN_USER is admin

  • OC_ADMIN_PASS=Password

By default OC_ADMIN_PASS is Password

  • DB_REMOTE_ROOT_PASS=owncloud

By default DB_REMOTE_ROOT_PASS is owncloud

The way of add this env variables to the container is :

docker run -e "OC_URL=" -e "OC_ADMIN_USER=admin" ....


That image expose port 22 for SSH, 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS and 9000 for Xdebug, you can map this ports to host ports

-p 10022:22 -p 10080:80 -p 10443:443 -p 19000:9000


  • You can map the ownCloud data directory outside the container. That is a good idea if you want to check owncloud.log easily

    -v /host_path:/opt/owncloud/data

  • Also yor can use your own certificates for apache. You have to map a folder that contains two files called server.crt and server.key

    -v /host_path_with_certificate:/etc/apache2/ssl

Start new container

docker run -t -i -d -p 10022:22 -p 10080:80 -p 10443:443 -p 19000:9000 ubuntu_oc_lamp

or use docker id:

docker run -t -i -d -p 10022:22 -p 10080:80 -p 10443:443 -p 19000:9000 ef6cbaed803b

More complex example:

docker run -t -i -d -p 10022:22 -p 10080:80 -p 10443:443 -p 19000:9000 -e "OC_URL=" -e "OC_ADMIN_USER=maci" -e "OC_ADMIN_PASS=123456" -e "DB_REMOTE_ROOT_PASS=654321" -v /tmp/data:/opt/owncloud/data ubuntu_oc_lamp


In few second you will have the ownCloud instance up and running accesible via:

  Version: owncloud-8.0.0.tar.bz2
  Data path: /tmp/data
  HTTP access: http://docker_host:10080
  HTTPS access: https://docker_host:10443
  phpMyAdmin: http://docker_host:10080/phpmyadmin
  phpMyAdmin user: root
  phpMyAdmin password: 654321
  SSH access: ssh root@localhost -p 10022
  SSH user: root
  SSH password: owncloud
  ownCloud user: maci
  ownCloud password: 123456