
Packer que incluye ansible utilizando kvm aplicado a un a imagen de Ubuntu 18.04

Primary LanguageShell

My Packer ubuntu 18.04 KVM

voy a crear desde 0 una plantilla de packer para ubuntu en kvm de manera que esta pueda ser funcional en entornos de servidores reales

  • You must add a valid kickstart file to the "http_directory" and then provide the file in the "boot_command" in order for this build to run. If not will time out waiting for SSH because we have not provided a kickstart file.

  • todavia no se muy bien como va el preseed.cfg consultar

{ "qemuargs": [ [ "-m", "1024M" ], [ "--no-acpi", "" ], [ "-netdev", "user,id=mynet0,", "hostfwd=hostip:hostport-guestip:guestport", "" ], [ "-device", "virtio-net,netdev=mynet0" ] ] }

{ "qemuargs": [ [ "-netdev", "user,hostfwd=tcp::{{ .SSHHostPort }}-:22,id=forward"], [ "-device", "virtio-net,netdev=forward,id=net0"] ] }

provisioners anteriores:

"provisioners": [ { "type": "shell", "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'", "script": "scripts/ansible.sh" }, { "type": "shell", "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'", "script": "scripts/setup.sh" }, { "type": "ansible-local", "playbook_file": "ansible/main.yml", "galaxy_file": "ansible/requirements.yml" }, { "type": "shell", "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'", "script": "scripts/cleanup.sh" } ],


"post-processors": [ [ { "type": "shell-local", "inline": ["onevm disk-saveas /home/sysadmin/proyectoCI/MyPacker1/packer_kvm_ubu_1/output/ubuntu1804.qcow2 0 ubuntu1804fin.qcow2"] } ] ]


roles despues de pretasks

roles: - role: geerlingguy.nfs

- name: descargar ONE contextualizacion
    url: https://github.com/OpenNebula/addon-context-linux/releases/download/v5.0.3/one-context_5.0.3.deb
    dest: /root/hello/one-context_5.0.3.deb
- name: desinstalat could init
  shell: apt-get purge -y cloud-init

- name: instalar archivo .deb
    deb: /root/hello/one-context_5.0.3.deb
    force: yes
- name: instalar ruby
    name: ruby
    state: present
- name: instalar cloud utils
    name: cloud-utils
    force: yes
    state: present