Spell Checking for PHPStorm to Spanish file *.dic, encoded in UTF8
Corrector ortográfico para textos en español en PHPStorm.
Español: Instalación Manual (PHPStorm >= 8)
- Descarga "spanish-utf8.dic" y guárdalo en la carpeta donde tienes instalado PHPStorm "JetBrains/dic" (si no existe la carpeta, créala).
- Abre la ventana "Settings" de PHPStorm (desde el menú "File"), y dentro del apartado "Editor -> Spelling" añade "spanish-utf8.dic" al listado de diccionarios:
English: Installation Manual (PhpStorm >= 8)
- Download "spanish-utf8.dic" and save it to the folder where you have installed PhpStorm "JetBrains/dic" (if there is no folder, create it).
- Open the "Settings" window of PhpStorm (from the "File" menu), and within the "Editor -> Spelling" section adds "spanish-utf8.dic" to the list of dictionaries: