
A set of utilities and helper functions for the EasyPost .NET client library

Primary LanguageC#

EasyPost Extensions (.NET)

A collection of helper utilities for the EasyPost .NET Client.

This project is unaffiliated with EasyPost.


The easiest way to install the EasyPost Extensions is via NuGet:

Install-Package EasyPost-Extensions


Parameter Dictionary Creation

Currently, the EasyPost .NET library requires end-users to pass in pre-formatted dictionaries of key-value pairs of data to the functions.


var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> {
    { "name", "My Name" },
    { "street1", "123 Main St" },
    { "city", "San Francisco" },
    { "state", "CA" },
    { "zip", "94105" },
    { "country", "US" },
    { "phone", "415-123-4567" }

var address = myClient.Address.Create(parameters);

This can lead to some confusion when end-users are not familiar with what JSON key-value pairs are expected for a given function.

This can also lead to errors if the end-user were to accidentally misspell a key, or if the key were to change in a future version of the library.

The EasyPost Extensions library provides a set of helper functions to create these dictionaries for you, ensuring that:

  • The correct keys are used
  • The correct value types are used
  • The data is formatted correctly
  • All required parameters are included


// Use an object constructor to create the address creation parameters
var addressCreateParameters = new EasyPost.Extensions.Parameters.Address.Create {
    Name = "My Name",
    Street1 = "123 Main St",
    City = "San Francisco",
    State = "CA",
    Zip = "94105",
    Country = "US",
    Phone = "415-123-4567"

// You can add additional parameters as needed outside of the constructor
addressCreateParameters.Company = "My Company";

// Then convert the object to a dictionary
// This step will validate the data and throw an exception if there are any errors (i.e. missing required parameters)
var addressCreateDictionary = addressCreateParameters.ToDictionary();

// Pass the dictionary into the EasyPost .NET library method as normal
var address = myClient.Address.Create(addressCreateDictionary);

The parameter object models are divided by object type (i.e. Address, Parcel, etc.) and by function (i.e. Create, Retrieve, etc.).

Optionally, the ToDictionary() method can accept an ApiVersion enum value to specify the API version to use when validating the data.

Internally, each parameter is marked with an ApiCompatibility attribute that specifies the API version(s) that the parameter is compatible with. The provided API version can be utilized for compatibility checks during validation if provided. This can be useful if the EasyPost API parameters ever change in the future.

API URL Generator

The EasyPost API is currently on v2, but there is also the beta version for beta features.

In case the EasyPost API base URL ever changes (either to a new subdomain or to a new version), the EasyPost Extensions library provides a helper function to generate the API URL for you.


// Generate the API URL for the v2 API

var apiVersionV2Enum = EasyPost.Extensions.ApiVersion.V2;
var apiV2Url = = EasyPost.Extensions.General.BuildApiBaseUrl(apiVersionV2Enum);

// apiV2Url will be, e.g. "https://api.easypost.com/v2/"