
Fork of the well known digipeater software DIGI_NED and adapter for use with Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

This is the README of DIGI_NED for DOS and Linux

To compile DIGI_NED for DOS unpack the source in the directory C:\APRS\, then
use de IDE of BORLAND C++ 3.0 to compile. If another directory is used then
the project file needs to be setup again.

To compile for Linux any directory can be used. See directions in
digi_ned.txt on how to compile DIGI_NED for Linux.

The directory "Distrib" contains some scripts used to generate a DOS
distribution, the batch-files where used with 4DOS and will not work
with COMMAND.COM. Also the InfoZip "zip" program should be present in
the PATH.

The directory "ax25_mac" contains the source of the MAC layer driver, only
used for DOS. It is compiled using MSVC++ 1.5 and MASM 5.0; use nmake to

The directory "sample" contains demonstration programs used with the
sample digi_ned.mes.

DIGI_NED is "free" software as defined in the GNU General Public Licence,
see COPYING for details.

The runtime parts for DOS are:
    README       - this readme file
    COPYING      - GNU licence file
    Changes.txt  - Changes with respect to previous version
    Bugs.txt     - How to submit and help out with bugs
    DNown102.zip - OWNER manual in HTML. This will become the new
                   documentation for DIGI_NED, "digi_ned.txt", "Sattrack.txt",
                   "Sattrack.doc" and a lot of the commenttext in
                   "digi_ned.ini" will vanish. Extract using InfoZip's
                   "unzip" or any other unzipper that preserves directories
                   and understands long filenames.
    DN_files.png - Picture showing the relation between all the files below
    run.bat      - sample startup file
    ax25_mac.exe - ax25 mac-layer driver
    ax25_mac.ini - mac-layer driver sample .ini file
    ax25_mac.txt - mac-layer documentation
    digi_ned.exe - digipeater MSDOS executable
    digi_ned.ini - sample digipeater rules file
    digi_ned.mes - sample digipeater message query/response file
    digi_ned.sat - sample satellite file
    digi_ned.tle - sample two-line-elements file to update the .sat file
    d_relay.ini  - sample RELAY only digipeater rules file
    d_relay.mes  - sample minimal message file for use with RELAY
    digi_new.ini - sample rules file for the New Paradigm (see Bob's web)
    digi_nsr.ini - sample rules file for the Non Source Routing idea (AE4PL)
    digi_id.ini  - sample station identification
    digibcon.ini - sample beacon file, now you know where I live...
    digi_tlm.ini - sample telemetry information beacon file
    digi_ned.txt - DIGI_NED manual
    Sattrack.txt - Documentation of the satellite tracking module
    Sattrack.doc - White-paper about the satellite tracking module
    Sample.zip   - Directory with sample "whois" server. Unpack with "-d" flag.
    Ideas.txt    - ToDo list and ideas for the future

The runtime parts for Windows (using CygWin DLL) are:
    README       - this readme file
    COPYING      - GNU licence file
    Changes.txt  - Changes with respect to previous version
    Bugs.txt     - How to submit and help out with bugs
    DNown102.zip - OWNER manual in HTML. This will become the new
                   documentation for DIGI_NED, "digi_ned.txt", "Sattrack.txt",
                   "Sattrack.doc" and a lot of the commenttext in
                   "digi_ned.ini" will vanish. Extract using InfoZip's
                   "unzip" or any other unzipper that preserves directories
                   and understands long filenames.
    DN_files.png - Picture showing the relation between all the files below
    digi_ned.exe - digipeater MS-Windows (CygWin) executable
    cygwin1.dll  - CygWin DLL to run programs written for Unix in Windows
    digi_ned.ini - sample digipeater rules file
    digi_ned.mes - sample digipeater message query/response file
    digi_ned.sat - sample satellite file
    digi_ned.tle - sample two-line-elements file to update the .sat file
    d_relay.ini  - sample RELAY only digipeater rules file
    d_relay.mes  - sample minimal message file for use with RELAY
    digi_new.ini - sample rules file for the New Paradigm (see Bob's web)
    digi_nsr.ini - sample rules file for the Non Source Routing idea (AE4PL)
    digi_id.ini  - sample station identification
    digibcon.ini - sample beacon file, now you know where I live...
    digi_tlm.ini - sample telemetry information beacon file
    digi_ned.txt - DIGI_NED manual
    Sattrack.txt - Documentation of the satellite tracking module
    Sattrack.doc - White-paper about the satellite tracking module
    Sample.zip   - Directory with sample "whois" server. Unpack with "-d" flag.
    Ideas.txt    - ToDo list and ideas for the future

The runtime parts for LINUX are:
    README       - this readme file
    COPYING      - GNU licence file
    Changes.txt  - Changes with respect to previous version
    DNown102.zip - OWNER manual in HTML. This will become the new
                   documentation for DIGI_NED, "digi_ned.txt", "Sattrack.txt",
                   "Sattrack.doc" and a lot of the commenttext in
                   "digi_ned.ini" will vanish. Extract using InfoZip's
                   "unzip" or any other unzipper that preserves directories
                   and understands long filenames.
    DN_files.png - Picture showing the relation between all the files below
    Bugs.txt     - How to submit and help out with bugs
    digi_ned.sh  - sample script to start digi_ned in background
    digi_ned     - digipeater executable
    digi_ned.ini - sample digipeater rules file
    digi_ned.mes - sample digipeater message query/response file
    digi_ned.sat - sample satellite file
    digi_ned.tle - sample two-line-elements file to update the .sat file
    d_relay.ini  - sample RELAY only digipeater rules file
    d_relay.mes  - sample minimal message file for use with RELAY
    digi_new.ini - sample rules file for the New Paradigm (see Bob's web)
    digi_nsr.ini - sample rules file for the Non Source Routing idea (AE4PL)
    digi_id.ini  - sample station identification
    digibcon.ini - sample beacon file, now you know where I live...
    digi_tlm.ini - sample telemetry information beacon file
    digi_ned.txt - DIGI_NED manual
    Sattrack.txt - Documentation of the satellite tracking module
    Sattrack.dos - White-paper about the satellite tracking module
    Sample.lnx   - Directory with sample "whois" server. Change digi_ned.mes!
    Ideas.txt    - ToDo list and ideas for the future

The runtime parts for LINUX are:

DON'T FORGET TO EDIT "digibcon.ini" AND "digi_id.ini" TO CHANGE TE POSITION
(Strange stations seem to appear in my home-town...).

Also you most likely want to change "digi_ned.mes" to reflect the
situation in your area...

Henk de Groot - PE1DNN