
This is a common j2ee back-end for front-end with different javascript frameworks.

Primary LanguageJava

This is a Back-End project demonstrating use of Spring, Apache Shiro, Hibernate, and Spring Data.

Getting Started

Dev Environment Setup

  • Create folder C:\Programs
  • Download and Install Java Development Kit from J2SE (Latest Preferred) Install @ C:\Programs\jdk1.7 or higher Add User variable: JAVA_HOME pointing to your JDK (C:\Programs\jdk1.7) Add User variable: JAVA as %JAVA_HOME%\bin Modify your User Path Environment Variable by appending ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin (In Windows, add User variables using the Control Panel: System > Advanced > Environment Variables)
  • Download and Install Apache Maven from Maven (Latest Preferred) Install @ C:\Programs\apache\maven\3.04 Add User variable: M2_HOME as C:\Programs\apache\maven\3.04 Add User variable: M2 as %M2_HOME%\bin Modify your User Path Environment Variable by appending ;%M2_HOME%\bin
  • Download and Install Apache Tomcat from Tomcat (Latest Preferred) Install @ C:\Programs\apache\tomcat\7.0.29 Add User variable: CATALINA_HOME as C:\Programs\apache\tomcat\7.0.29 It is very important to install Tomcat in a folder without spaces in the path or the application may fail Modify your User Path Environment Variable by appending ;%CATALINA_HOME%\bin Download and Install the Modified Tomcat DBCP Jar file from http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/t/Downloadtomcatdbcpjar.htm Unzip the jar file and Install @ C:\Programs\apache\tomcat\7.0.29\lib (Replace Existing JAR) Open C:\Programs\apache\tomcat\7.0.29\conf\tomcat-users.xml and add the following line:
  • Download and Install MySQL 5.5 from MySQL 5.5 (Latest Preferred) Install @ C:\Programs\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 Add User variable: MY_SQL_HOME as C:\Programs\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 and add MY_SQL_HOME\bin to your PATH environment variable Set Root password: The default password for the root user is blank. This password should be updated as follows through the command line client: MY_SQL_HOME\bin> mysql -u root MY_SQL_HOME\bin> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('password') WHERE User = 'root'; MY_SQL_HOME\bin> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Download & Install MySQL workbench from workbench 5.5 Create the schema "backend" either thru MySQL command line client or the workbench using the following command and set CHARACTER SET AS UTF8: (also not the back-quotes in the statement) CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS backend DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;
  • Verify JDK, Maven, and Tomcat are working in your Command Prompt java -version mvn -version catalina version
  • Install GIT (Source Control Management) Client from http://windows.github.com or <a href="https://github.com/blog/1127-github-for-windows>https://github.com/blog/1127-github-for-windows


  • Install Eclipse WTP IDE @ C:\Programs\eclipse\kepler Set the JDK option before starting eclipse through making following changes to eclipse.ini -vm C:/Programs/jdk1.7/jre/bin --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 1024M -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m Set eclipse workspace to C:\Projects\workspaces\juno In eclipse go to Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JRE Select JRE and click on Edit and add dt.jar, tools.jar from C:\Programs\jdk1.7\lib folder
  • Install plug-in for eclipse from Help Eclipse MarketPlace for EGit (comes installed), Maven, ECLEmma (code coverage), Sonar, TestNG, MoreUnit You could use Tomcat in 3 ways. Depending on how you want to use it follow one of the following instruction Use it from command line. no need to configure anything. Configure Tomcat in Server view. Make sure you started and stopped. Tomcat from command line before configuring. Tomcat Manager page may not work.

Code Formatting

Import Eclipse Kepler Preferences.epf File/Import/Preferences in eclipse and select Preferences


create service, dao layer integrate with MongoDB, JDO/SpringData incorporate ui libraries for security, timeouts, modal, analytics configure audit, error interceptors logout

update document with MySQL/MongoDB setup,

mvn dbmaintain:updateDatabase mvn dbmaintain:clearDatabase dbmaintain:updateDatabase mvn clean install mvn clean install tomcat:redeploy