
Maps the countries and USA counties where the most undiscovered life species are found

title: "ebird maps shiny"
author: "Julie Mallon (@jmallon)"
date: "May 24, 2019"
    variant: markdown_github

The `Rmd` has also been published on [RPubs](http://rpubs.com/hrbrmstr/ggvis-maps) and there's a [blog post](http://rud.is/b/2014/12/29/making-static-interactive-maps-with-ggvis-using-ggvis-maps-wshiny/) with slightly more expository than the code.

One of the caveats with `ggvis` is that you need an online context for interactively (making things like interactive choropleths useless without such a context). You'd need to account for this in the `Rmd` by setting up a faux-facet series for the maps, either with a `<table>` or `<div>` grid.


- US GeoJSON from `http://eric.clst.org/Stuff/USGeoJSON`
- World GeoJSON from `http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/`

Credit: ggivs-maps @hrbrmstr