
Entity Maintenance Rails Engine

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Entity Maintenance Rails Engine

This is a Rails Engine that provides entity management to a Rails Application. Entities can either be a person or an organization and has a list of addresses and contact info.


In your Rails project:

  • Add entity_maintenance to the Gemfile: gem 'entity_maintenance', :path => '/path/to/entity_maintenance'
  • Run bundle install
  • Edit config/routes.rb and add this line: mount EntityMaintenance::Engine => "/"
  • The engine contains migrations for the entity_maintenance_entities, entity_maintenance_addresses and entity_maintenance_contact_infos tables. They need to be run in the application's database. To copy these migrations: rake entity_maintenance:install:migrations
    • If you want to run migrations only from the engine, specify the scope: rake db:migrate SCOPE=entity_maintenance

Customizing the views

The engine can also migrate the view files and assets for customization. To copy them to the parent application:

rails generate entity_maintenance:views

Customizing the controllers

The engine can also migrate the controller files for customization. To copy them to the parent application:

rails generate entity_maintenance:controllers

Entity Maintenance routes

You can view the routes via: rake routes.

Test Application

You can run a sample application with the engine within the project:

  • Go to spec/test_app
  • Run rails server