
GeoServer docker image

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A geoserver docker image

This Dockerfile can be used to create images for all geoserver versions since 2.5.

  • Debian based Linux
  • OpenJDK 11
  • Tomcat 9
  • GeoServer
    • Support of custom fonts (e.g. for SLD styling)
    • CORS support
    • Support extensions
    • Support additional libraries

This README.md file covers use of official docker image, additional build and release instructions are available.

How to run official release?

To pull an official image use docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:{{VERSION}}, e.g.:

docker pull docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.23.0

Afterwards you can run the pulled image locally with:

docker run -it -p 80:8080 docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.23.0

Or if you want to start the container daemonized, use e.g.:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.23.0

Check http://localhost/geoserver to see the geoserver page, and login with geoserver default admin:geoserver credentials.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please change the default geoserver and master passwords.

For more information see the user-guide docker installation instructions.

How to mount an external folder for use as a data directory

To use an external folder as your geoserver data directory.

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --mount src="/absolute/path/on/host",target=/opt/geoserver_data/,type=bind \

An empty data directory will be populated on first use. You can easily update GeoServer while using the same data directory.

How to start a GeoServer without sample data?

This image populates /opt/geoserver_data/ with demo data by default. For production scenarios this is typically not desired.

The environment variable SKIP_DEMO_DATA can be set to true to create an empty data directory.

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --env SKIP_DEMO_DATA=true \

How to issue a redirect from the root ("/") to GeoServer web interface ("/geoserver/web")?

By default, the ROOT webapp is not available which makes requests to the root endpoint "/" return a 404 error. The environment variable ROOT_WEBAPP_REDIRECT can be set to true to issue a permanent redirect to the web interface.

How to download and install additional extensions on startup?

The startup.sh script allows some customization on startup:

  • INSTALL_EXTENSIONS to true to download and install extensions
  • STABLE_EXTENSIONS list of extensions to download and install

Example installing wps and ysld extensions:

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --env INSTALL_EXTENSIONS=true --env STABLE_EXTENSIONS="wps,ysld" \

The list of extensions (taken from SourceForge download page):

app-schema   gdal            jp2k          ogr-wps          web-resource
authkey      geofence        libjpeg-turbo oracle           wmts-multi-dimensional
cas          geofence-server mapml         params-extractor wps-cluster-hazelcast
charts       geopkg-output   mbstyle       printing         wps-cluster-hazelcast
control-flow grib            mongodb       pyramid          wps-download
css          gwc-s3          monitor       querylayer       wps-jdbc
csw          h2              mysql         sldservice       wps
db2          imagemap        netcdf-out    sqlserver        xslt
dxf          importer        netcdf        vectortiles      ysld
excel        inspire         ogr-wfs       wcs2_0-eo

How to install additional extensions from local folder?

If you want to add geoserver extensions/libs, place the respective jar files in a directory and mount it like

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --mount src="/dir/with/libs/on/host",target=/opt/additional_libs,type=bind \

How to add additional fonts to the docker image (e.g. for SLD styling)?

If you want to add custom fonts (the base image only contains 26 fonts) by using a mount:

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --mount src="/dir/with/fonts/on/host",target=/opt/additional_fonts,type=bind \

Note: Do not change the target value!

How to use the docker-compose demo?

The docker-compose-demo.yml to build with your own data directory and extensions.

Stage geoserver data directory contents into geoserver_data, and any extensions into additional_libs folder.

Run docker-compose:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-demo.yml up --build


How to watch geoserver.log from host?

To watch geoserver.log of a running container:

docker exec -it {CONTAINER_ID} tail -f /opt/geoserver_data/logs/geoserver.log