Traktor Kontrol S4 Mk1 v0.1 Driver for Linux

Linux driver based on the awesome work from blaxpot and Javi Fonseca on the Traktor Kontrol S4 Mk1 for work with Mixxx.


Thread from the Mixxx forum



As a command line driver, you can use these parameters:

  • --help Show help information
  • --logMode Set the log mode: console | logfile (default) currently
  • --logLevel Set the log verbose level: info | debug currently
  • --configFile Set the path where the config file is. Based on JSON format and included in this repo: config.json


  1. Install dependencies. The package names will depend on your Linux distribution.

Debian/Ubuntu/Raspberry Pi OS

sudo apt install cmake cmake-extras libasound2 librtaudio-dev librtmidi-dev libevdev-dev

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -Syu base-devel cmake alsa-lib rtaudio rtmidi libevdev
  1. Build with cmake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

If all goes well, you should now be able to start the application like so:

# ./traktor_kontrol_s4_mk1_driver_linux --logMode console
[2023-01-20 09:51:40.493] [traktor_kontrol_s4_logger] [info] [main::init_application] Traktor Kontrol S4 Mk1 Driver for Linux started
[2023-01-20 09:51:40.493] [traktor_kontrol_s4_logger] [info] [main:show_main_configuration] Current arguments:
[2023-01-20 09:51:40.493] [traktor_kontrol_s4_logger] [info] [main:show_main_configuration] Log level: INFO
[2023-01-20 09:51:40.493] [traktor_kontrol_s4_logger] [info] [main:show_main_configuration] Log mode: LOG IN CONSOLE
[2023-01-20 09:51:40.493] [traktor_kontrol_s4_logger] [info] [main::init_application] Starting helpers....
[2023-01-20 09:51:40.503] [traktor_kontrol_s4_logger] [info] [main::init_application] Get MIDI information....
[2023-01-20 09:51:40.505] [traktor_kontrol_s4_logger] [info] [main::init_application] Initializing EvDev device....


Installation process is pending, currently you only can download or clone the repo and compile with CMake (>3.16)