
💎 Landing spot for starting, building, and testing of plugins for sketch.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sketch Plugin Sketch Book

💎 Landing spot for starting, building, and testing of plugins for sketch. Tips, tricks and a running progress of learning how to create a Plugin.


Creating, running, and debugging the basics of plugins.

Running a plugin

  • Navigate to the directoy cd ..
  • Build the plugin npm run build
  • Lauch Sketch, open a document
  • Choose Plugin > PLUGIN NAME > COMMAND
  • 🎉 Donezo

Watching the plugin

  • npm run watch

Console for debugging

Important for debugging your plugin.

  1. Open Console
  2. Create a search filter for
  • process: Sketch
  • library: Sketch
  1. Save this filter


  • Action API - An action is an event that happens in the app, usually as a consequence of a user interaction. Actions have names like CloseDocument, DistributeHorizontally or TogglePresentationMode, and you can tell your plugin to run bits of code when those actions are triggered.

