A simple golang todo list server.
The todo binary runs a todo list server backed by postgres, exposing a json http api. The cli binary provides a command line interface for running commands against a todo server.
The Makefile handles building, unit tests, and integration tests.
The default target runs units tests and builds the server and cli binaries.
The integration-tests target runs integration tests against postgres via docker compose.
make integration-tests
The todo server exposes json services for getting, putting, and deleting tasks.
./todo --help
Usage of ./todo:
-host string
postgres host (default "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432?sslmode=disable")
-port string
port to serve (default "8080")
Serves port 8080 by default, and assumes localhost postgres.
GET <host>/
Gets all tasks. Returns a json list of task objects.
GET <host>/<id>
Gets a single task with the given id. Returns a json task object.
PUT <host>/
Puts a task. Accepts a json task object. Returns either the provided task id, or a uid if none was provided.
DELETE <host>/<id>
Deletes the task with the given id.
A simple command line interface is included as an alternative to hitting the http services directly, and also serves as an example usage of the client package.
./cli --help
Usage of ./cli:
-X string
method to execute. required. must be one of 'GET', 'PUT', or 'DEL'
-host string
http task host to connect to (default "http://localhost:8080")
-id string
task id. required for delete, optional for get
./cli -X GET
Gets all tasks. Prints a go slice of task structs.
./cli -X GET -id <id>
Gets a single task by id. Prints the go task struct.
./cli -X PUT -id <id> -title <title> -description <description>
Puts a task. Accepts optional id, title, and description flags. Prints the task id.
./cli -X DEL -id <id>
Deletes the task with the given id.
Docker compose can be used to run postgres and the todo server locally. The server runs on localhost:8080 and may be hit directly or with the cli.
Both postgres and the todo server can be started in the background by running:
docker-compose up -d
At this point, the todo server is available at localhost:8080.
Shut them down with:
docker-compose stop
Here is an example session using the cli:
docker-compose up -d
./cli -X PUT -id 1 -title "Shopping List" -description "milk, eggs, bread"
> put task "1"
./cli -X GET -id 1
> &task.Task{ID:"1", Title:"Shopping List", Description:"milk, eggs, bread"}
./cli -X PUT -title "Call Mom" -description "Call mom @5:00pm"
> put task "VkeEoUn1XQAB1bov"
./cli -X GET
> []task.Task{task.Task{ID:"1", Title:"Shopping List", Description:"milk, eggs, bread"}, task.Task{ID:"VkgI6xJGrAABnEXc", Title:"Call Mom", Description:"Call mom @5:00pm"}}
./cli -X DEL -id 1
> deleted task "1"
docker-compose stop