
Team Name: Triple-J Gee

  • Jonathan Mann (11393269)
  • Jenny Nguyen (11236662)
  • Wen Yen George Du (11747969)
  • Jordan Labonne (12002491)

Database Script

There are two versions of the Database Script depending on the SQL Server 2012 or 2014.

  • FinalScriptForSSMS2012.sql
  • FinalScriptForSSMS2014.sql

The scripts will create two databases, ENET and ECare2.


Site engineer:engineer@test Manager:manager@test Accountant:accountant@test

All passwords for the three logins:abc123

To run project

update IIS\config\applicationhost.config

The project is now reading the IIS\config\applicationhost.config file instead of the applicationhost.config file that used to be in our repo because we all have different physical paths to our copy of the project.

Opening the project in Visual Studio 2015 would attempt to edit the applicationhost.config file with a <site> entry within the <sites> entry collection, but in case that it doesn't the following is an example template:

<site name="InterventionMonitor" id="3">
    <application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
      <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Users\knockycode\Documents\GitHub\31100-Group-Assignment-Work\InterventionMonitor\InterventionMonitor" />
        <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:28737:localhost" />

Ensure the id is unique to the other sites!

add connectionstrings.config file

Our project's web.config file now reads the DB connection string from a connectionstrings.config file. .gitignore has been updated to ignore any changes made to connectionstrings.config and it won't be in Github's repo.

  1. Create a connectionstrings.config file in the same directory as the web.config file.
  2. Add your connectionString to the ENET DB and to the ECare2 DB there -- ensure it's within a connectionStrings tag. Here's a working example of a connectionstrings.config file:
  <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=REMAC-WINDOWS;Initial Catalog=ENET;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  <add name="DataConnection" connectionString="Data Source=REMAC-WINDOWS;Initial Catalog=ECare2;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  1. Make a copy of this connectionStrings.config file outside the repo. Just in case you need to delete the repo and download it again from Github and to avoid re-creating this file from scratch.

Code Standards


  • Backing fields (AKA class variables) that are used in calculated Properties should have an underscore prefix so we know which class variable has a Property that we should be using instead. Especially when displaying the Property to the user. E.g.
    private String _score;
    public String Score
      get { return "Score: " + _score; }
      private set { _score = value; }
    private int serverPoint, receiverPoint; // no need for underscore prefix
    Unless the backing field isn't going to be referenced anywhere else in the code AND the Property that uses the backing field is a simple get and set, then just remove the backing field. E.g.
    // acceptable
    public int StudentID { get; private set; }
    // also acceptable but we should really pick the above or this one and stick with it
    public int StudentID
      private set;
    // Not acceptable as the backing field is just unused and there's redundant code.
    private int _studentID;
    public int StudentID
      get { return _studentID; }
      private set { _studentID = value; }
  • Boolean class variables should be named with an is (or are for plurals) prefix, e.g. public bool isApproved or public bool areValidEntries
  • Tab spaces. Use default VS2015 Community settings which seems to be Tab Size 4. Indent Size 4. Insert Spaces.