
A continuación les comparto las cosas que fueron implementadas dentro de este proyecto, todas esto será parte de un curso que estaré publicando en YouTube dentro poco, en cuando lo tenga lista les compartiré la URL.

Por lo pronto aquí está el código fuente final.

Supporting Paging for Collection Resources

  • Introducing the Demo Application
  • Paging through Collection Resources
  • Improving Reuse with a PagedList Class
  • Returning Pagination Metadata

Sorting Resource Collections

  • Sorting Resource Collections
  • Creating a Property Mapping Service
  • Creating a Reusable ApplySort Method
  • Adding OrderBy Clauses to Pagination Links
  • Taking Consumer Errors into Account When Sorting

Shaping Data

  • Creating a Reusable Extension Method to Shape Data
  • Data Shaping Collection Resources
  • Data Shaping Single Resources
  • Taking Consumer Errors into Account When Shaping Data

Learning and Implementing HATEOAS

  • Supporting HATOEAS
  • Implementing HATEOAS Support for a Single Resource
  • Implementing HATEOAS Support After POSTing
  • Implementing HATEOAS Support for a Collection Resource
  • Using HATEOAS for Pagination Links
  • Working Towards Self-discoverability with a Root Document

Improving Reliability with Advanced Content Negotiation

  • HATEOAS and Content Negotiation
  • Tightening the Contract Between Client and Server with Vendor-specific Media Types
  • Working with Vendor-specific Media Types on Input

Getting Started with Caching Resources

  • Adding Cache Headers to the Response
  • Adding a Cache Store with the ResponseCaching Middleware
  • Using Cache Profiles to Apply the Same Rules to Different Resources

Supporting HTTP Cache for ASP.NET Core APIs

  • Adding Support for Generating ETags
  • Global Cache Header Configuration
  • Resource-level Cache Header Configuration
  • Dealing with Varying Response Representations
  • ETags and the Validation Model

Supporting Concurrency

  • Supporting Concurrency