
Static Site is a Javascript-based content management system for building and managing a website on Amazon S3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Static Site is a content management system hosted on Amazon's S3 and administered from S3 through a Javascript client. It includes security and hopefully will provide many features other traditional content management systems provide.

Still under development. Right now the most you can do is register your user account and later sign in.

Getting Started

There could be a simple service to do all this for you, but until then you have to handle it manually.

To get started sign up for an Amazon web services account and S3 if you aren't already.

You may then create a new S3 bucket from Amazon's console. You need to set the policy file on the bucket. To do this right-click on the bucket in the console and choose "Properties". Choose the "Add bucket policy" link in the properties and paste this in (be sure to replace "mybucket" with your bucket's name:

	"Version": "2008-10-17",
	"Id": "1",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "1",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "*"
			"Action": "s3:GetObject",
			"NotResource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/api/*"

Then select the "Website" tab, check "Enabled" and put in "index.html" and "error.html" for the two fields.

From the "Website" tab you'll see the S3 domain you must use to have the website feature. If your bucket is called "mywebsite.com" you can point your mywebsite.com domain's DNS to this S3 domain using CNAME to access your S3 website from http://mywebsite.com/.

Finally upload the following files from the src/ folder of your cloned git project to your S3 bucket (set their content-type appropriately, e.g. text/html, text/css, text/js):

  • index.html
  • error.html
  • admin/index.html
  • admin/css/admin.css
  • admin/js/admin.js
  • admin/login.html
  • admin/dashboard.html

You should be able to go to the url https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/admin/index.html and be presented with the login page. Click Register and put in your info, then you'll be taken to the blank dashboard page. Later you can come here and login with the username/password you registered with. Note that because Amazon only allows GETs for the website URL you cannot login to the admin from the same URL you access the website from.

You can see staticsite.org set up with the code and if you go to staticsite.org/admin you'll be redirected to the correct URL for logging in, though you won't be able to register with that bucket.


To build the admin.js you need node.js installed, npm, and uglify-js installed. You can get instructions on installing node.js from their website, npm from their website, and uglify by calling "npm install uglify-js" from the command line.

Once everything is installed go to the root of your project and run ./make.sh

If you have any problems or issues you're on your own. Sorry. It's still early.