
Simple repo building on node-pg to set up a postgres pool.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Simple bit of code extracted from another repo to create a long-running pool using node-postgres. I found I was including that other repo and using this code a lot so I pulled it into its own repo

To test, create a file called test.config.json (and make sure it is excluded from git). If you want to get a clue what to put there, read through the .travis.yml code. But you can do this on linux

psql -c "CREATE USER testu WITH LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD 'my secret password';" -U postgres
export PGPASSWORD="my secret password"
psql -c 'create database atestdb;' -U testu -d postgres
echo "{\"postgresql\":{\"host\":\"\",\"port\":5432,\"username\":\"testu\",\"db\":\"atestdb\"}}" > test.config.json && chmod 0600 test.config.json

That will create a temporary user "testu" and a temporary database.

The tests will just access this database under the given user name. If you already have a db user and database that you want to use, you can skip creating the fake user and fake database and just put them directly in the test.config.json file as follows:


The password for the user account is taken from either the root .pgpass file, or else from the environment variable PGPASSWORD.

Similarly, I think (but I haven't written the tests yet) you can put the host, port, username, db into environment variables. Probably a bad idea however. The whole point of this module is to be able to open up multiple connection pools to different databases to use in programs.