
For CalVAD, update the detectors tables in the target database

Primary LanguageShell

update detectors in OSM

The detector metadata is stored directly in the spatialvds database. The details of each detector need to be copied into the OSM database in order to generate the matching line segments.

This repository holds code to copy the VDS and WIM detector metadata from the spatialvds database to the OSM database.

Edit the package.json file to include the correct names for the spatialvds and osm database. The database names, hosts, ports, and usernames should be specified. The user name is the most important of these, as it has no default value.

npm is not slicing the bread

While I have high hopes for the future, at this time it is not possible to do everything by a simple npm install or similar. Instead, npm install will download all of the dependencies, but will not run anything.

At the time of this writing, running npm install will create the following directory tree under the top level node_modules directory:

├── calvad_db_geoextensions
│   ├── ...
├── calvad_detectors_schema
│   ├── ...
├── tvd
│   ├── ...
├── tvd_view
│   ├── ...
└── twim
    └── ...

Each of the above directories houses a sqitch package that must be deployed to the source and target database prior to doing anything with this package.

Here is how to get them to install.

Source and target database URIs

The first step is to set up source and target database URIs. In trying to get npm to do the dirty work, I came up with some code that can be used as a model. For example:



The general pattern is given on the source website at https://github.com/theory/uri-db/.

Set up one URI for the OSM database, and one for the spatialvds database. For example, if the user is the same on both, host is the machine you are on, and the database port is the standard 5432, you might have:

export SQITCH_SRC_DB_URI="db:pg://dbuser@"
export SQITCH_TGT_DB_URI="db:pg://dbuser@"


Both the target and the source database need to have geoextensions deployed. They may already be there, and you might have the same thing in place already without needing to actually deploy.

Change into the calvad_db_geoextensions directory under node_modules

You can look inside of the "deploy" directory to see what this package does.

To deploy it, run sqitch deploy:

cd node_modules/calvad_db_geoextensions
sqitch deploy ${SQITCH_SRC_DB_URI}
sqitch deploy ${SQITCH_TGT_DB_URI}

If either of these commands give an error that looks like it is saying that the database already has the extensions, then run it with the log-only flag. For example:

sqitch deploy --log-only ${SQITCH_SRC_DB_URI}


The detectors schema package is handled in exactly the same way as the geoextensions package.

Change into the directory and run the sqitch deploy script.

cd node_modules/calvad_detectors_schema
sqitch deploy ${SQITCH_SRC_DB_URI}
sqitch deploy ${SQITCH_TGT_DB_URI}

If there is an error that looks like the schema already exists, then re-run the script with the --log-only flag.


This package and twim actually do stuff. You should not run them on the spatialvds database, but rather only on the target OSM database. They create a target table, and then populate it with data. Again, you can look at the scripts inside of the deploy directory to see what they do.

cd node_modules/tvd
sqitch deploy ${SQITCH_TGT_DB_URI}

Again, be sure that the TGT URI actually points to the target OSM database. You do not what to run this on the spatialvds database. We use the tvd_view for that operation.

There should not be an error, but if there is and if it says the table already exists, it is safe to run this with the --log-only flag.


The instructions for twim are identical for tvd, above. Only the directory changes.

cd node_modules/twim
sqitch deploy ${SQITCH_TGT_DB_URI}


This package is supposed to be deployed to spatialvds. It sets up a view that pulls together and "denormalizes" the metadata about each VDS detector and WIM site.

Note that the database this package is deployed to is the SRC database. At the time of this writing, that database is called spatialvds.

cd node_modules/tvd_view
sqitch deploy ${SQITCH_SRC_DB_URI}

Again, there should not be an error, but if there is, you have to do some work.

This package creates a materialized view. Older versions of spatialvds had a straight table that performed the same function, that was periodically updated by dropping the table and re-running a SELECT INTO statement.

To get rid of the target table if it exists, do:

drop table newtbmap.tvd cascade;

This may also drop other dependent views. These views are historical and not really used anymore, but in any event, the code to rebuild the views is kept along with the code that uses it, so if it becomes an issue, it should be clear how to rebuild the view.

After dropping any table that might be in the way, the deploy should progress cleanly.

Do NOT run this with a --log-only option unless you are sure that the materialized view is already in place.