
React useGoogleMaps hook for easy integration with Google Maps API https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-hook-google-maps

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React useGoogleMaps hook

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Easiest way to use Google Maps in your React application.

For Google API documentation please check https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference


npm install --save react-hook-google-maps

Usage examples

Check example dir in this repo for most up to date examples.


import * as React from "react";

import { useGoogleMaps } from "react-hook-google-maps";

const App = () => {
  const { ref, map, google } = useGoogleMaps(
    // Use your own API key, you can get one from Google (https://console.cloud.google.com/google/maps-apis/overview)
    // NOTE: You should always set initial 'center' and 'zoom' values
    // even if you plan to change them later
      center: { lat: 0, lng: 0 },
      zoom: 3,
  console.log(map); // instance of created Map object (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/map)
  console.log(google); // google API object (easily get google.maps.LatLng or google.maps.Marker or any other Google Maps class)
  return <div ref={ref} style={{ width: 400, height: 300 }} />;

export default App;

Check live example on CodeSandbox:

Edit priceless-shaw-o6e7x

Map with marker

import React from "react";
import { useGoogleMaps } from "react-hook-google-maps";

// based on https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/adding-a-google-map
const uluru = { lat: -25.344, lng: 131.036 };

export const MapWithMarker = React.memo(function Map() {
  const { ref, map, google } = useGoogleMaps(
      zoom: 4,
      center: uluru,
  console.log("render MapWithMarkers");

  if (map) {
    // execute when map object is ready
    new google.maps.Marker({ position: uluru, map });

  return (
        Example from{" "}
        <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/adding-a-google-map">
      <div ref={ref} style={{ width: 400, height: 300 }} />

Check live example on CodeSandbox:

Edit funny-wood-twb4t

Map with external controls

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { useGoogleMaps } from "react-hook-google-maps";

export const Map = React.memo(function Map() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
  const { ref, map, google } = useGoogleMaps(
      center: { lat: 0, lng: 0 },
      zoom: 3,
  console.log("render Map");

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!map) {

    const listener = map.addListener("zoom_changed", () => {
    return () => google.maps.event.removeListener(listener);
  }, [map, google]);

  const handleZoomUpdate = (zoomChange = 1) => {
    const nextZoom = value + zoomChange;
    if (nextZoom < 0) {

  return (
      <span>External zoom controls example</span>
      <div ref={ref} style={{ width: 400, height: 300 }} />
      <button onClick={() => handleZoomUpdate(1)}>Zoom In</button>
      <button onClick={() => handleZoomUpdate(-1)} disabled={value < 1}>
        Zoom Out

Check live example on CodeSandbox:

Edit funny-wood-twb4t




Jan Grzegorowski